Quran-26:63 Surah Ash-shuara English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

فَأَوۡحَيۡنَآ إِلَىٰ مُوسَىٰٓ أَنِ ٱضۡرِب بِّعَصَاكَ ٱلۡبَحۡرَۖ فَٱنفَلَقَ فَكَانَ كُلُّ فِرۡقٖ كَٱلطَّوۡدِ ٱلۡعَظِيمِ

Transliteration:( Fa awhainaaa ilaa Moosaaa anidrib bi'asaakal bahra fanfalaqa fakaana kullu firqin kattawdil 'azeem )

63. Then We revealed to Moses: Strike the sea with your staff. Hence, the sea was parted [70], and every part was like a big mountain [71]. (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(63) Then We inspired to Moses, "Strike with your staff the sea," and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain. (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Ash-Shuara Ayat 63 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

63. Then We revealed to Moses: Strike the sea with your staff. Hence, the sea was parted [70], and every part was like a big mountain [71].


The tafsir of Surah Ash-Shura verse 63 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Shura ayat 60 which provides the complete commentary from verse 60 through 68.

(26:63) Then We revealed to Moses, (commanding him): “Strike the sea with your rod.” Thereupon the sea split up, and then each became like the mass of a huge mount.[47]


(26:63) Then We revealed to Moses, (commanding him): “Strike the sea with your rod.” Thereupon the sea split up, and then each became like the mass of a huge mount.[47]

47. Literally, tawd is a high mountain. It appears that as soon as Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) struck the sea with his staff, it tore the sea asunder and the waters stood like two mighty mountains on the sides and remained in that condition for so long that, on the one hand, the Israelite caravans consisting of hundreds of thousands of the migrants were able to pass through safely, and on the other, Pharaoh and his hosts stepped in and reached the middle of the sea. In the natural course, a phenomenon like this has never occurred that due to a windstorm, however strong, the sea should have parted and stood like mighty mountains on either side for such a long time. According to (Surah TaHa, ayat 77), Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) was commanded by Allah to make for them (the Israelites) a dry path across the sea. This shows that the smiting of the sea did not only result in dividing the waters into two parts, which stood like mighty mountains on either side, but it also created a dry path in between without any mud or slush. In this connection, one should also consider (Surah Ad-Dukhan, ayat 24), which says that after Moses (peace be upon him) had crossed the sea along with his people, he was commanded by Allah to let the sea remain as it is because Pharaoh is to be drowned in it. This implies that if after crossing the sea, Moses had again struck it with his staff, the two sides would have rejoined, but he was forbidden to do so. Obviously, this was a miracle, and the view of those who try to interpret it as a natural phenomenon, is belied. For explanation, see (Surah TaHa, ayat 77) note 53.

(63) Then We inspired to Moses, "Strike with your staff the sea," and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain.

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