Transliteration:( Allahul lazeee anzalal Kitaaba bilhaqqi wal Meezaan; wa ma yudreeka la'allas Saa'ata qareeb )
52 Here the word "balance of justice" denotes the Holy Prophet because the blessed personality of the Holy Prophet is the means of understanding the true measurement of Faith.
Everyone will reply to their question, this verse was revealed Here, the word "perhaps" is not used to indicate doubt but it is used for the purpose of certal and emphasis te.
Day of Judgement is indeed very near because the Final Prophet and final Book and the final Religion have already come. The holy Prophet says "Me and the Day of Judgement are close, like these two fingers"
Says All Almighty The Hour came near" (S54 VI).
You should also remember, here the negation of understanding and not of knowledge.l have the love for the Holy Prophet scale of his faith
53 Reason for its Revelation:
According to the The polytheists of Arabia they would mockingly
Ask Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه واله وسلم when will the day of Judgement would take place.
The tafsir of Surah Shura verse 17 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Shura ayat 16 which provides the complete commentary from verse 16 through 18.
(42:17) Allah it is Who sent down this Book with the Truth and the Balance.[32] And what would make you know that the Hour (of Judgement) has drawn near?[33]
32. Mizan (Balance): the Shariah of Allah, which, like a balance, brings out clearly the distinction between the right and the wrong, the truth and falsehood, justice and injustice, and righteousness and wickedness. In (Surah Ash-Shuraa, ayat 15) above, the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been made to say: I have been commanded to do justice between you. Here, it has been told that with this Book the Balance has come by which justice will be established.
33. That is, the one who is inclined to mend his ways, must mend his ways forthwith, he should not lose time under the delusion that the Hour of Judgment is yet far off. Man cannot be sure whether he will be able to take another breath or not, his present breath may be his last.
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