Transliteration:( Wa laman sabara wa ghafara inna zaalika lamin 'azmil umoor (section 4) )
118. He who forgives his offenders in his personal matters e.g. he forgives the debtor, forgives one who had used offensive language against him, forgives one who had beat him up. c. However, if anyone commits treachery gainst Islam or the Muslims put him under severe pressure and punish him in such a way that it will serve as a warning for others having similar intentions.
119. Because it is a confrontation against your baser self which makes a demand on you to take revenge against your offender. To overpower your baser self is true bravery. It is easy to kill thousands of infidels, but it is difficult to destroy your baser self.
The tafsir of Surah Shura verse 43 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Shura ayat 40 which provides the complete commentary from verse 40 through 43.
(42:43) But he who patiently endures and forgives, that is a conduct of great resolve.[68]
68. One should note that the qualities of the believers that have been mentioned in these verses, practically existed in the lives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions, and the disbelievers of Makkah were their eye-witnesses. Thus, Allah has, in fact, told the disbelievers: The real wealth is not the provisions that you have received for passing the transitory life of the world, and are bursting with pride of it, but the real wealth are the morals and characteristics which the believers from your own society have developed by accepting the guidance given by the Quran.
[1426]- On the part of those seeking the reward of Allāh.
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