Transliteration:( Laqad jaaa'akum Rasoolum min anfusikum 'azeezun 'alaihi maa 'anittum hareesun 'alaikum bilmu'mineena ra'oofur raheem )
363. From this emerge a few issues:Â
1. Some generous people call to give others come and give, like the well and the clouds. The Holy Prophet ? Is the benefactor who comes and gives as understood from "has come".
2. The Holy Prophet ?is present in the heart of every believer as is understood from plural prefix "yourselves".Â
3.The Holy Prophet ? is the Prophet unto entire mankind as applied by the word "Messenger".
4. The Holy Prophet ? is a resplendent Prophet as understood from the Tanween on the letter LAAM of Rasool.Â
5. The connection of the Holy Prophet with his followers is like that of the soul with the body which is fully aware of every hardship experienced by it as is understood from "yourselves". It is for this reason the next part of the verse states "heavy upon him"
6. The Holy Prophet ? qualified with the attributes of Allah Almighty and revealer of these phenomena, because Allah Almighty is Kind and Merciful and so is the described Holy Prophet ? here. The mercy of the Holy Prophet
7. The mercy of the holy prophet ? Â is for the entire universe, but his compassion is only for the believers.
It should be remembered that if one makes a stop at the AZIZ its meaning would be he is more beloved to the believers than their own lives. All your sins are entrusted to his kindness and benevolence. This is the interpretation of the author of Tafseer Roohul Bayaan. In some forms of recitation the letter FA in the ANFOSIKUM takes a Zabar which would mean has been the Holy Prophet ? Prophetny Style raised from the group of people who are pure and refined, as he is a Quraishi, Hashim, Mutalabbi Arab and his entire ancestors and forefathers are believers.Â
In addition his followers Ummah are superior to all other people, his parents are superior to the parents of all the prophets, his sacred city of Madina Munawwarah is superior to the cities of all the Prophets.
 In short the Messenger of Allah Almighty is the personification of greatness and exquisiteness. It should be remembered that the Holy Prophet was bom in Makkah resided in Madina but his presence is in the hearts of every believer.
Just as the sun is found int he fourth heaven but it brightens the entire universe its general benefit viz its light is found everywhere, but its specific benefits are at specific places.
Thus it is responsible for the growth of grain in the fields, blooms the flowers in the gardens, through it fruit grows in the orchards, when its rays falls on mountains it brings out high quality rubies and gems in the same manner the Holy Prophet's general benefit, viz his preaching reached all but faith was received by the believers only.Â
Divine knowledge is for all but Saints of Allah Almighty are bestowed with Qutubhood or highest spiritual position; the Ghous - upper category saint is bestowed with Divine Drink, .
Companionship of the Holy Prophet is bestowed upon the special group of people. Due to liberal demise of the his nativity or Holy Prophet becoming visible to all has ceased but his august presence has not ended. He has come for all times. Just as the visibility of the sun ceases but not its existence
364. From this we learn that the Holy Prophet ? is fully aware of the difficulties and sufferings of his followers because with this knowledge his blessed heart would not be heavy upon him. Just as the Holy' Prophet's is everlasting so is his awareness an eternal thing
365. By this is meant other people are ardently desirous about the welfare of their children, but this merciful Prophet ? fervently desirous about the good and welfare of his followers
128. Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger from among yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He is eager for you; for the believers ﴿he is﴾ full of pity, kind, and merciful. 129. But if they turn away, say: “Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God but He, in Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.”
(I was sent with the easy Hanifiyah ﴿monotheism﴾ way.) An authenic Hadith mentions,
(Verily, this religion is easy) and its Law is all easy, lenient and perfect. It is easy for those whom Allah the Exalted makes it easy.)
(He is eager for you), that you gain guidance and acquire benefits in this life and the Hereafter. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Abdullah bin Mas`ud said that the Messenger of Allah said,
(Verily, every matter that Allah has prohibited, He knows that some among you will breach it; but I am indeed holding you by the waist so that you do not fall in the Fire, just like butterflies and flies.) Allah’s statement next,
(for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.) ﴿9:128﴾, is similar to His other statement,
(And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you. Then if they disobey you, say: “I am innocent of what you do.” And put your trust in the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful) ﴿26:215-217﴾. Allah the Exalted commanded His Messenger in this honorable Ayah,
(But if they turn away), from the glorious, pure, perfect and encompassing Law that you — O Muhammad — brought them,
(then say: “Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God but He,) Allah is sufficient for me, there is no deity worthy of worship except Him, and in Him I put my trust. Similarly, Allah said,
((He alone is) the Lord of the east and the west; there is no God but He. So take Him alone as a guardian.) ﴿73:9﴾. Allah said next,
(Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger from among yourselves …) ﴿9:128﴾” until the end of the Surah It is recorded in the Sahih that Zayd bin Thabit said, “I found the last Ayah in Surah Bara’ah with Khuzaymah bin Thabit.” This is the end of Surah Bara’ah, all praise is due to Allah.
(and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne) ﴿9:129﴾. He is the King and Creator of all things, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne (`Arsh), which is above all creation; all that is in and between the heavens and earths is under the Throne (`Arsh) and subservient to Allah’s power. His knowledge encompasses all things, and His decision will certainly come to pass over all matters. He is the guardian of all things. Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas said that Ubayy bin Ka`Bara’ah with Khuzaymah bin Thabit . ” This is the end of Surah Bara’ah, all praise is due to Allah.
(9:128) There has come to you a Messenger of Allah from among yourselves, who is distressed by the losses you sustain, who is ardently desirous of your welfare and is tender and merciful to those that believe.
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
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