Transliteration:( Alam ya'tihim naba ul lazeena min qablihim qawmi Noohinw wa 'Aadinw wa Samooda wa qawmi Ibraaheema wa ashaabi Madyana wal mu'tafikaat; atathum Rusuluhum bilbaiyinaati famaa kaanal laahu liyazlimahum wa laakin kaanooo anfusahum yazlimoon )
192. From this we learn to study authentic history for the purpose of getting lessons from it is an excellent form of worship. The Holy QUR'AAN provides authentic events of pious people and infidels for this very reason. This was the very purpose for enacting Urs of the pious saints and Meelad Shareef so that Muslims become aware of the blessed life of and learn the Holy Prophet authentic details about these pious saints, which would enable them to rectify their beliefs.
193. By this is meant Namrood and his followers who despite their super strength were destroyed with just one stone. The power of Allah Almighty is such that he can destroy elephants through tiny swallow type birds.
194. By this is meant five colonies of the people of Hazrat Lut (on him be peace) Sadoom and the villages near it were turned upside down in such a way that the upper region came down and the lower region went up. Says Allah Almighty: "We turned the town upside down". (S11:V82) These colonies of the people of Aad, Thamrood and Lut were found by the Arabs enroute their journeys. The remains of their ruins were still there for the travellers to see and ponder but they seemed to be oblivious to their surrounds. So they had been ordered to ponder over what they were seeing and take a lesson from it.
195. By 'not befitting to Allah' means to punish them without any crime and send upon them punishment in excess to their own sins. It should be remembered that by injustice means to put to use some one elses thing without his permission. This definition does not fit Allah Almighty because everything in this world belongs to Him. Thus as this is the definition of the word injustice pertaining to Allah Almighty. He is without doubt, free and pure from it.
196. Every infidel is unjust because he is unlawfully using possessions of Allah Almighty without reallising that they themselves as well as their children and wealth all belong to AllahÂ
70. Has not the story reached them of those before them — The people of Nuh,`Ad, Thamud, the people of Ibrahim, the dwellers of Madyan and the overturned cities; to them came their Messengers with clear proofs. So it was not Allah Who wronged them, but they used to wrong themselves.
Allah advises the hypocrites who reject the Messengers,
(Has not the story reached them of those before them) have you (hypocrites) not learned the end of the nations before you who rejected the Messengers,
(The people of Nuh), and the flood that drowned the entire population of the earth, except those who believed in Allah’s servant and Messenger Nuh, peace be upon him,
(and `Ad), who perished with the barren wind when they rejected Hud, peace be upon him,
(and Thamud), who were overtaken by the Sayhah (awful cry) when they denied Salih, peace be upon him, and killed the camel,
(and the people of Ibrahim), over whom He gave Ibrahim victory and the aid of clear miracles. Allah destroyed their king Nimrod, son of Canaan, son of Koch from Canaan, may Allah curse him,
(and the dwellers of Madyan), the people of Shu`ayb, peace be upon him, who were destroyed by the earthquake and the torment of the day of the Shade,
(and the overturned cities), the people of Lut who used to live in Madyan. Allah said in another Ayah,
(And He destroyed the overturned cities) ﴿53:53﴾, meaning the people of the overturned cities in reference to Sadum ﴿Sodom﴾, their major city. Allah destroyed them all because they rejected Allah’s Prophet Lut, peace be upon him, and because they committed the sin that none before them had committed ﴿homosexuality﴾.
(to them came their Messengers with clear proofs.), and unequivocal evidence,
(So it was not Allah Who wronged them), when He destroyed them, for He established the proofs against them by sending the Messengers and dissipating the doubts,
(but they used to wrong themselves), on account of their denying the Messengers and defying the Truth; this is why they earned the end, torment and punishment, that they did.
(9:70) Have they not heard the accounts of those who came before them[77] – of the people of Noah and ‘Ad and Thamud, and the people of Abraham and the dwellers of Madyan (Midian), and the cities that were overturned?[78] Their Messengers came to them with Clear Signs. Then, it was not Allah Who caused them any wrong; they rather wronged themselves.[79]
77. Again they are being mentioned in the third person.
78. These were the people of Lot.
79. “They used to wrong themselves” for they were themselves responsible for their destruction. Allah had no enmity with them and had no desire to destroy them. As a matter of fact, they themselves adopted the way of life that led to destruction, whereas Allah had sent His Messengers to them and afforded them the opportunities of thinking, understanding, and reforming. His Messengers admonished and warned them of the consequences of treading wrong paths, and presented very clearly before them the way that leads to success, and also the ways that lead to destruction. But when they did not benefit from the opportunities that were offered to them to mend their ways, and persisted in treading the ways that led to destruction, they inevitably met with the end for which they were heading. And this horrible end was not due to Allah’s will to be unjust to them but due to their own evil doings.”
[492]- i.e., those to which Lot was sent and which earned for themselves Allāh's punishment. See 11:82-83.
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