Transliteration:( Lahum maa yashaaa'oona 'inda Rabbihim; zaalika jazaaa'ul muhsineen )
85. Allah be praised! He said regarding His Beloved: "Your Lord will grant you so much that you will be pleased and fully satisfied with†. And regarding Abu Bakr Siddiq, He said: “For them is what they desire". At another place, He says: "And undoubtedly. soon your Lord shall give you so much that you shall be satisfied" (S93:V5). From this we learn that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq is the reflection of loveliness of the Holy Prophet.
The tafsir of Surah Az-Zumar verse 34 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Zumar ayat 32 which provides the complete commentary from verse 32 through 35.
(39:34) They shall have from their Lord all that they wish for.[53] That is the reward of those that do good,
53. One should note that the words used here are indarabbi- him (with their Lord) and not fil-jannah (in Paradise), and obviously man reaches in the presence of his Lord just after death. Therefore, the intention of the verse seems to be: Not only after entering Paradise but right from the time of death till his entry into Paradise Allah will treat the righteous believer in the same kind manner. The believer will certainly desire to be saved from the torment of barzakh, from the severities of the Day of Resurrection and Judgment, from the humiliation of the Plain of Gathering and from the punishment of his errors and shortcomings, and Allah Almighty will fulfill all his desires.
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