Transliteration:( Yawma yaati laa takallamu nafsun illaa bi iznih; faminhum shaqiyyunw wa sa'eed )
207. By "save by the leave of Allah" is meant will not utter beneficial words, make excuses and intercession, give correct answer to a question without the permission of Allah Almighty. Besides these there will be other conversations and utterances like the false talks of the infidels like "By Allah! we were not idol worshippers" (S6: V 23) etc. Thus there is no inconsistency in the verses.
208. This means that today some people in the world are fortunate while some are unfortunate wretches. Being soft-hearted, crying in abundance in love of Allah Almighty, showing dislike for the world, being modest and shy are signs of being fortunate, while being hard-hearted, (cruel) dryness of the eyes,love of the world, shamelessness, many desires, etc. are signs of wretchedness (Tafseer Khazainul Irfaan).
 It could also mean on the Day of Judgement some would be happy and fortunate, some would be miserable and wretched. The brightness, of the face, having the Books of Deeds in the right hand, having open hands, etc are things to recognise a happy and fortunate person there. Things contrary to these are the recognition of a miserable wretch. From this we learn that even small children and demented people too would be part of these two groups, because Allah Almighty has not described a third group for them.
The tafsir of Surah Hud verse 105 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Hud ayat 103 which provides the complete commentary from verse 103 through 105.
(11:105) And when the appointed Day comes, no one shall even dare to speak except by the leave of Allah.[106] Then some will be declared wretched, others blessed.
106. This is to warn these foolish people who depend on the promises of their intercessors that they would protect them from the torment of the Day. They have been warned to desist from the evil deeds they are committing in the hope that their intercessors would not rest content till they succeed in obtaining from Allah permits of forgiveness for their sinful followers. This is because they believe them to be the beloved favorites of Allah Who cannot afford to displease them at any cost. Then they have been told that, not to speak of wielding any such influence, they shall not dare utter a word except with His permission. No saint, no angel, howsoever high, is so powerful or influential as to speak a word or make any recommendation in the Court of the Highest Sovereign unless He Himself permits it. Therefore such people as make offerings to others than Allah will be utterly disillusioned and disappointed on that Day, for they will come to know that they were foolish in relying on their intercessors and committing evil deeds in the world in the hope that they would deliver them from the torment of the Day.
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