Transliteration:( Wa aataakum min kulli maa sa altumooh; wa in ta'uddoo ni'matal laahi laa tuhsoohaa; innal insaana lazaloo mun kaffaar (section 5) )
74. Here the preposition is for partial use meaning from all your wishes you had asked, some are granted or the word 'many' is to denote increase, augment, and multiplication, in which case the preposition from, is for enumeration, meaning We grant you many wishes asked for. Like Allah Almighty says you had "We opened unto them the gates of all things" (S6:V44). Thus the purpose of the discussion is to make us aware that Allah Almighty had granted countless things to us without having prayed for them which have been mentioned already, and many bounties have been given according to our desires. Allah Almighty knows our desires much more than His bounties are not dependent on our request and prayer.
75. This is because countless bounties are connected with every hair of your body, and since counting these hair is beyond you, counting these bounties too is out of your reach. Your calculation ends with a trillion. while by Allah Almighty it is the beginning. From this, we learn that nobody can calculate the virtues of our Holy Prophet ? because the bounties of the world are few.
Says Allah Almighty: "Say you. the enjoyment of the world is little". (S4:V77) and the virtues of our Holy Prophet are countless. "And undoubtedly, you are on excellent morals. "(S68:V4). Allah Almighty further says "And great is the grace of Allah upon you" (S4:V113). Yet another verse states: "Oh beloved! undoubtedly We have granted you abundance of good" (S107:V1). Thus, if we are unable to count the few, how would we those count and calculate that which are countless.Â
76. Here by man is meant Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, etc. or total polytheists and infidels as can be seen from the discussion which follows.
The tafsir of Surah Ibrahim verse 34 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ibrahim ayat 32 which provides the complete commentary from verse 32 through 34.
(14:34) and Who gave you all that you asked Him for.[45] Were you to count the favours of Allah you shall never be able to encompass them. Verily man is highly unjust, exceedingly ungrateful.
45. “And He gave you from all that you asked of Him”: He has provided for everything that is required for your life, its development and evolution.
[660]- Something of what you asked and all of what you continually require, according to His wisdom. [661]- i.e., disbelieving and denying of Allāh's favor.
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