Quran-14:8 Surah Ibrahim English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰٓ إِن تَكۡفُرُوٓاْ أَنتُمۡ وَمَن فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ جَمِيعٗا فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَغَنِيٌّ حَمِيدٌ

Transliteration:( Wa qaala Moosaaa in takfurooo antum wa man fil ardi jamee'an fa innal laaha la Ghaniyyun Hameed )

8. Musa [Moses] said, “If you and all those on the earth [17] were to disbelieve, then indeed Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.” (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(8) And Moses said, "If you should disbelieve, you and whoever is on the earth entirely - indeed, Allāh is Free of need and Praiseworthy." (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Ibrahim Ayat 8 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

17. By this is meant jinns and man. The blessed Prophets are excluded from these because their infidelity is impossible. Or this impossibility is made obligatory like "If you associate other gods with Allah, then surely all your actions shall go in vain" (S39:V65). The gist of the matter is that Allah Almighty is total without the want of your worship. By Him is beneficial to you just as His disobedience is harmful to you.



The tafsir of Surah Ibrahim verse 8 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Ibrahim ayat 6 which provides the complete commentary from verse 6 through 8.

(14:8) Moses said: “Were you to disbelieve – you and all those who live on earth – Allah is still Self-Sufficient, Innately Praiseworthy.”[13]


(14:8) Moses said: “Were you to disbelieve – you and all those who live on earth – Allah is still Self-Sufficient, Innately Praiseworthy.”[13]

13. It should be noted that a reference to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and his people has been made here to warn the people of Makkah of the consequences of their ingratitude towards this favor of Allah that He has raised Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from among them. This was a timely warning, for at that time they were showing ingratitude by rejecting that message. They were, therefore, warned to learn a lesson from the miserable condition of the Israelites, which was the result of their ingratitude to and rebellion against Allah’s favors.

As the Quraish themselves could see the consequences of that rebellious attitude of the Israelites, they were, so to say, asked this question: Do you also desire to meet with the same consequences by showing ingratitude towards the message which is a great favor to you?

Obviously, the great favor which was shown to the Quraish was that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was raised from among them with that message about which he assured them over and over again: Accept this Message of mine: all the Arabs and the non-Arabs will surrender and submit to you?

(8) And Moses said, "If you should disbelieve, you and whoever is on the earth entirely - indeed, Allāh is Free of need and Praiseworthy."

Surah Ibrahim All Ayat (Verses)

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