Transliteration:( Zaalika bi annal laaha mawlal lazeena aamanoo wa annal kaafireena laa mawlaa lahum (section 1) )
26. Here the word MALLA is used to indicate friend or a helper. There is no Friend nor helper for the infidels, neither Allah Almighty nor their false helpers friends and acquaintances on the arrival of the punishment.
All run away As far as the believers are concerned the helper is Allah Almighty as well as his beloved servants. Saya Allah Almighty: "Only Allah Almighty is your Friend and His Messenger and the believers"(SS:V55).
The tafsir of Surah Muhammad verse 11 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Muhammad ayat 10 which provides the complete commentary from verse 10 through 13.
(47:11) That is because Allah is the Protector of the believers whereas the unbelievers have none to protect them.[16]
16. After being wounded at Uhud when the Prophet (peace be upon him) was resting in a hill pass with a few companions, Abu Sufyan shouted: We have Uzza and there is no Uzza for you. Thereupon the Prophet (peace be upon him) told his companions to respond, saying: Our Protector and helper is Allah, and you have no protector and helper at all. This reply of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was derived from this very verse.
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