35. In every home there is river but in the entire paradise there are countless such rivers. Thus, there is no objection against the verse. that there will not be few river of water.
36. hanged against the taste of the world because the water and milk of this world hecome bad after a while, the taste changes and they become decayed. There these rivers are existed for millions of years and will remais permanently until eternity. But they have neither undergone any change or decay. Just the sun and the moon are performing their functions for millions of years without necessitating any repair work on them nor there any change in their refulgence.
37. This means the liquids there will be solely for the purpose of taste. They will neither be palatable nor of pungent odour nor toxicating nor provide any headache as is the case with the alcohol of this world. All these are depraved consequences.
38. Like the honey of this world. It will not have any mixture of wax, nor would it emanate from the stomach of the bee. This is the meaning of purified concerning its creation. This does not mean that first it was a mixture thereafter it was purified.
39. This means there are tasty fruits of every type found in Paradise, which will be there eternally. There will be no seasonal restrictions on them nor will there be any type of prohibition for eating them.
In the world one will not find all the fruit at one place or in one season. Then, all of them are not agreeable to everybody. The preposition "FROM" tells us that all these fruits of Paradise are few from the limitless treasures of Providence. Thus, there is no inconsistency in this word a few and all, because Allah's treasures are limitless and all these fruits are but just one from His reservoir of treasures. From and all, both are correct in the context.
40. The forgiveness of the previous errors and sins and the unconditional future permission to eat everything does not include any religious restriction.
41. It should be remembered that stay eternal in Hell and drinking boiling water therein is specifically for the infidels. If Allah wills, the sinful believers will be protected from this. This boiling water and hard unpalatable food are the punishments for them because the infidels would devour every unlawful thing in the world. as lawful. Even if a believer eats and drinks unlawful things, he does so by acknowledging them to be unlawful and as a culprit. If he eats them by accepting them to be lawful, then he would become an infidel.
The tafsir of Surah Muhammad verse 15 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Muhammad ayat 14 which provides the complete commentary from verse 14 through 15.
(47:15) Here is the parable of Paradise which the God-fearing have been promised: in it shall be rivers of incorruptible water,[20] rivers of milk unchanging in taste,[21]and rivers of wine, a delight to those that drink;[22] and rivers of pure honey.[23] In it they will have every kind of fruit as well as forgiveness from their Lord.[24] Can such be like those who will abide in the Fire and will be given a boiling water to drink that will tear their bowels apart?
20. Literally, aasin is the taste and color of water which has changed, or which gives a bad smell. In the world the water of rivers and canals is generally muddy; its taste and color change due to the mixture of sand and dust and of different kinds of vegetation in it, and it also gives off a kind of bad smell. Therefore, the quality of the water of the rivers and canals of Paradise will be such that it will be pure and clear, without any adulteration.
21. In a Hadith directly reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him), it has been explained thus: It will not be the milk squeezed from the milk glands of animals. That is, it will be the milk which Allah will bring out in the form of springs from the earth and cause it to flow into canals of Paradise. About this natural milk it has been said: Its flavor will not change at all; that is, it will not give even the slightest offensive smell that is found in every kind of milk squeezed from the animal milk glands.
22. In another Hadith reported directly from the Prophet (peace be upon him), it has been explained, thus: This wine will not have been distilled from rotten fruit by beating and fermenting, like the wine in the world, but Allah will produce it also in the form of springs and cause it to flow into canals; then its quality will be such that it will be delightful for the drinkers. That is, it will not be bitter and foul-smelling like the wines of the world, which cannot be drunk even by the most habitual drinker without showing some distaste. In Surah As-Saffat, another quality of it has been described: Neither will the drinker be harmed physically thereby nor become drunk. (Surah Muhammad, ayat 47). In Surah Al-Waqiah it has been said: Which will neither cause them giddiness nor affect their sense. (Surah Muhammad, ayat 19). This shows that wine will not intoxicate, but will only give pleasure and delight.
23. In the Hadith it has been explained, thus: The honey will not have been drawn from the bees’ bellies, but it will also come out from springs and flow into canals; therefore, it will not have wax, and pieces of the honey-comb and legs of dead bees mixed in it, but it will be absolutely pure.
24. The mention of forgiveness from Allah after the blessings of Paradise can have two meanings:
(1) That the greatest blessing by far will be that Allah will forgive them.
(2) That the errors and faults that they happened to commit in the world, will not even so much as be mentioned before them, but Allah will cover them up forever so that they are not put to shame in Paradise.
[1498]- In taste or smell, neither stagnant nor polluted.
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