Transliteration:( Falammaa sami'at bimak rihinna arsalat ilaihinna wa a'tadat lahunna muttaka anw wa aatat kulla waahidatim min hunna sikkeenanw wa qaala tikh ruj 'alaihinna falammaa ra aynahooo akbarnahoo wa qatta'na aydiyahunna wa qulna haasha lillaahi maa haaza basharaa; in haazaaa illaa malakun kareem )
65. Here the word MAKR means a secret device. Because their conversation was during a secret meeting, it is referred to as a device.Â
66. So that they could use the knife to cut and eat the fruit and meat. Islam has made it unlawful to eat by leaning against a pillow or to eat with a knife. During that period this was in vogue.
67. During that time Purdah or Hijaab was not compulsory and Lady Zuleikha has insisted that Hazrat Yusuf (on whom be peace) should appear in front of them. Had he not come there was a grave danger for him. Thus he did this permissible deed because of total helplessness Also there was a hope that perhaps after seeing the beauteous face of Hazrat Yusuf (on whom be peace) some of the ladies may accept faith.
The extra-ordinary beauty of Hazrat Yusuf (on whom be peace) was his miracle. To show a miracle is part of propagation. Hence he would be rewarded for this as well because for carrying propagation one will receive many rewards
68. From this we learn that during the state of unconsciousness person not accountable for what he does.
 It is a serious criminal act to inflict injury upon oneself, but these ladies were not censured for it. Upon those sages who are lost in Divine meditation in the vision of Allah Almighty, laws of Shariah are not binding while they are in this conditionÂ
Similarly Lady Zuliekha should not be degraded. The intention of sin which emanated from her was in her unconscious state of love. Later the Holy QUR AAN has stated her repentance: "7 had desired to allure his heart". (S12 VS1) She was not a woman of bad character. She was going to be the wife of a Prophet and Allah Almighty always protects the wife of a Prophet from indecency.
Besides this intention there is no proof of her indecency Allah Almighty had protected her from this as well.
69. Angels are well known for purity of face and chastity. The ladies of Egypt uttered these words at seeing not only Hazrat Yusuf's (on whom be peace] intense beauty, but they observed on it an absolute picture of chastity. modesty and honour. This does not mean that they had seen angels. The reflection of Hazrat Yusul's (on whom be peace) image had fallen on every nook and cranny in such a way like the warmth of the sun falls on everything (Tafseer Rootul Bayaan)
The tafsir of Surah Yusuf verse 31 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Yusuf ayat 30 which provides the complete commentary from verse 30 through 34.
(12:31) Hearing of their sly talk the chief’s wife sent for those ladies, and arranged for them a banquet, and got ready couches,[26] and gave each guest a knife. Then, while they were cutting and eating the fruit, she signalled Joseph: “Come out to them.” When the ladies saw him they were so struck with admiration that they cut their hands, exclaiming: “Allah preserve us. This is no mortal human. This is nothing but a noble angel!”
26. The ancient Egyptians used to place pillows and cushions in such feasts for the guests to recline. And this is confirmed by the archaeological remains in Egypt.
There is no mention at all of this banquet in the Bible but it has been described in the Talmud in a way quite different from that of the Quran. Needless to say that while this narrative in the Quran is natural, life like and teaches moral lessons, the one in the Talmud lacks all these things.
[593]- So distracted were they at the sight of him. [594]- In His ability to create such beauty.
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