Quran-20:77 Surah Ta-ha English Translation,Transliteration and Tafsir(Tafseer).

وَلَقَدۡ أَوۡحَيۡنَآ إِلَىٰ مُوسَىٰٓ أَنۡ أَسۡرِ بِعِبَادِي فَٱضۡرِبۡ لَهُمۡ طَرِيقٗا فِي ٱلۡبَحۡرِ يَبَسٗا لَّا تَخَٰفُ دَرَكٗا وَلَا تَخۡشَىٰ

Transliteration:( Wa laqad awhainaaa ilaa Moosaaa an asri bi'ibaadee fadrib lahum tareeqan fil bahri yabasal laa takhaafu darakanw wa laa takhshaa )

77. And no doubt, We revealed to Musa that walk away [100] with My bondsmen by night and make a dry way [101] for them in the river. You will have no Firown may overtake nor any danger (102). (Kanzul Imaan Translation)

(77) And We had inspired to Moses, "Travel by night with My servants and strike for them a dry path through the sea; you will not fear being overtaken [by Pharaoh] nor be afraid [of drowning]." (Saheen International Translation)

Surah Ta-Ha Ayat 77 Tafsir (Commentry)

  • Tafseer-e-Naeemi (Ahmad Yaar Khan)
  • Ibn Kathir
  • Ala-Madudi
  • Shaheen International

100. Hazrat Musa (On whom be peace) uttered words of curse for the Pharaoh, which was accepted by Allah Almighty. Its acceptance came into reality after forty years and this became a command. This tells us that sometimes the effect of a prayer can be delayed. 

101. From this, two issues emerge:

1. The law of Nature and Divine Power is that the power of Allah Almighty should appear through the hands of those beloved to Him, so that in addition to Divine Power, the greatness of these personages, too, would become a certainty. The Divine objective was to dry this sea. but He made this happen through the walking stick of Hazrat Musa (On whom be peace).

2. Miracles of opposite nature took place through the stick of Hazrat Musa (On whom be peace). Through this same stick water flowed from the stone, and through it water of the sea became dry.

102. The fear of drowning in the sea. Thus. after spending the 9th of Muharram, Hazrat Musa (On whom be peace) on the night of Ashurah left for the Red Sea with six hundred and seventy thousand Israelites (Tafseer Roohul Bayaan). In the morning, when Pharaoh came to know of this he set out in pursuit of Hazrat Musa (On whom be peace) and the Israelites with a huge army, and by the afternoon had caught up with the Israelites.



77. And indeed We revealed to Musa: “Travel by night with My servants and strike a dry path for them in the sea, fearing neither to be overtaken nor being afraid.” 78. Then Fir`awn pursued them with his hosts, but the sea ﴿Al-Yamm﴾ completely overwhelmed them and covered them up. 79. And Fir`awn led his people astray, and he did not guide them.

The Children of Israel leave Egypt

Allah, the Exalted, informs that He commanded Musa to journey at night with the Children of Israel, when Fir`awn refused to release them and send them with Musa. He was to take them away from Fir`awn’s captivity. Allah expounds upon this in Surahs other than this noble Surah. Musa left with the Children of Israel, and when the people of Egypt awoke in the morning they found that not a single one of them remained in Egypt. Fir`awn became extremely furious. He sent callers into all of the cities to gather together his army from all of his lands and provinces. He said to them,

﴿إِنَّ هَـؤُلاءِ لَشِرْذِمَةٌ قَلِيلُونَ – وَإِنَّهُمْ لَنَا لَغَآئِظُونَ ﴾

(Verily, these indeed are but a small band. And verily, they have done what has enraged us.) ﴿26:54-55﴾ Then when he gathered his army and organized his troops, he set out after them and they followed them at dawn when the sun began to rise.

﴿فَلَمَّا تَرَآءَا الْجَمْعَانِ﴾

(And when the two hosts saw each other) ﴿26:61﴾ This means that each person of the two parties was looking at the other party.

﴿فَلَمَّا تَرَآءَا الْجَمْعَانِ قَالَ أَصْحَـبُ مُوسَى إِنَّا لَمُدْرَكُونَ – قَالَ كَلاَّ إِنَّ مَعِىَ رَبِّى سَيَهْدِينِ ﴾

(The companions of Musa said: “We are sure to be overtaken.” (Musa) said: “Nay, verily, with me is my Lord. He will guide me.”) ﴿26:61-62﴾ Musa stopped with the Children of Israel and the sea was in front of them and Fir`awn was behind them. Then, at that moment, Allah revealed to Musa,

﴿فَاضْرِبْ لَهُمْ طَرِيقاً فِى الْبَحْرِ يَبَساً﴾

(And strike a dry path for them in the sea.) So Musa struck the sea with his stick and he said, “Split for me, by the leave of Allah.” Thus, it split, and each separate part of the water became like a huge mountain. Then, Allah sent a wind to the land of the sea and it burned the soil until it became dry like the ground that is on land. For this reason Allah said,

﴿فَاضْرِبْ لَهُمْ طَرِيقاً فِى الْبَحْرِ يَبَساً لاَّ تَخَافُ دَرَكاً﴾

(and strike a dry path for them in the sea, fearing neither to be overtaken…) This means being caught by Fir`awn.

﴿وَلاَ تَخْشَى﴾

(nor being afraid.) meaning, “Do not be afraid of the sea drowning your people.” Then, Allah, the Exalted, said,

﴿فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ فِرْعَوْنُ بِجُنُودِهِ فَغَشِيَهُمْ مِّنَ الْيَمِّ﴾

(Then Fir`awn pursued them with his hosts, but the sea ﴿Al-Yamm﴾ completely overwhelmed them) Al-Yamm means the sea.

﴿مَا غَشِيَهُمْ﴾

(and covered them up. ) meaning, covered them up with a thing that was well-familiar to them in such a situa- tion, as Allah states;

﴿وَالْمُؤْتَفِكَةَ أَهْوَى – فَغَشَّـهَا مَا غَشَّى ﴾

(And He destroyed the overthrown cities. So there covered them that which did cover.) ﴿53:53-54﴾ As Fir`awn pursued them into the sea, misled his people and did not lead them to the path of correct guidance, likewise, he will go ahead of his people on the Day of Resurrection, and will lead them in to the Hellfire. And evil indeed is the place to which they are led.

﴿يبَنِى إِسْرَءِيلَ قَدْ أَنجَيْنَـكُمْ مِّنْ عَدُوِّكُمْ وَوَاعَدْنَـكُمْ جَانِبَ الطُّورِ الاٌّيْمَنَ وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَنَّ وَالسَّلْوَى ﴾

(20:77) Most certainly We[52] revealed to Moses: “Proceed with My servants in the night and strike for them a dry path in the sea.[53] Have no fear of being overtaken, nor be afraid of treading through the sea.”


(20:77) Most certainly We[52] revealed to Moses: “Proceed with My servants in the night and strike for them a dry path in the sea.[53] Have no fear of being overtaken, nor be afraid of treading through the sea.”

52. Here the details of the events which happened during the long period of Prophet Moses’(peace be upon him) stay in Egypt have been omitted. For these please see (Surah Al-Aaraf, Ayat 130-147), (Surah Younus, Ayat 83-92); (Surah Al-Momin, Ayat 23-50) and (Surah Az-Zukhruf, ayat 46-56).

53. This happened when God at last appointed a night for the exodus of the Israelites and the other Muslims from Egypt. They were asked to gather at a fixed place and set forth as a caravan. Just at the time when they reached the coast of the Red Sea from where they had to cross to the Sinai Peninsula, Pharaoh arrived there with a large army in their pursuit. We learn from (Surah Ash-Shuara, Ayats 61-63) that when they were literally between the army and the deep sea, Allah commanded Moses (peace be upon him) to smite the sea with his staff and according to this verse the sea split and stood like two high walls on both sides, leaving a dry path between them for the caravan to pass. Thus, it is quite clear and plain that it was a miracle, and not the result of a wind storm or tide, for when the water rises in this way it does not remain standing like two high walls, leaving a dry path between them. For details see (Surah Ash-Shuara, ayat 63) note 47.

(77) And We had inspired to Moses, "Travel by night with My servants and strike for them a dry path through the sea; you will not fear being overtaken [by Pharaoh] nor be afraid [of drowning]."

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