Transliteration:( Inneee aamantu bi Rabbikum fasma'oon )
37. Oh messengers! I declare faith in that Lord towards whom you are calling me. Listen to me and be a witness to my faith. From this, we learn that the pious servants of Allah Almighty are His proof. True Lord is He who is the Lord of the Prophet of Allah. It is for this reason that he said your Lord. Thereafter, Habeeb was martyred.
The tafsir of Surah Yaseen verse 25 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Yaseen ayat 20 which provides the complete commentary from verse 20 through 25.
(36:25) I believe in your Lord;[21] so listen to me.”
21. This sentence again contains a subtle point of the wisdom of preaching. Saying this the man made the people realize: The Lord in Whom I have believed is not merely my Lord but your Lord, too. I have committed no error by believing in Him, but you, in fact, are certainly committing an error by not believing in Him.
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