Transliteration:( Wa Aayatul lahumul ardul maitatu ahyainaahaa wa akhrajnaa minhaa habban faminhu ya'kuloon )
47. Just as the rain causes the dry earth to come back to life, similarly the dead hearts come alive through the rain of Prophethood and the dead bodies will come to life through blowing of the trumpet.
33. And a sign for them is the dead land. We give it life, and We bring forth from it grains, so that they eat thereof. 34. And We have made therein gardens of date palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein. 35. So that they may eat of the fruit thereof — and their hands made it not. Will they not then give thanks 36. Glory be to Him Who has created all the pairs of that which the earth produces, as well as of their own kind, and of that which they know not.
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says:
(And a sign for them) means, evidence for them of the existence of the Creator and His perfect power and ability to resurrect the dead,
(is the dead land.) means, when it is dead and arid, with no vegetation, then Allah sends water upon it, it is stirred (to life), and it swells and puts forth every lovely kind (of growth). Allah says:
(We give it life, and We bring forth from it grains, so that they eat thereof.) meaning, `We have made it a provision for them and their cattle.’
(And We have made therein gardens of date palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.) means, `We have created therein rivers which flow to the places where they are needed, so that they may eat of their fruits.’ When Allah reminds them of the blessing that He bestows upon His creation by creating crops and plants, He mentions the different types and kinds of fruits. Allah says:
(and their hands made it not.) means, all of that could only come about by the mercy of Allah towards them, not by their own efforts and labor and strength. This was the view of Ibn `Abbas and Qatadah. Allah says:
(Will they not then give thanks) meaning, will they not then give thanks for the innumerable blessings that He has bestowed upon them. Ibn Jarir, however, understood the word Ma to mean Alladhi (i.e., a relative pronoun). In this case the meaning of the Ayah would be that they eat from the fruits provided by Allah’s bounty and from what their own hands have done, i.e., by planting the seeds and tending the plants. Ibn Jarir mentioned other possible interpretations in his Tafsir, but this is the interpretation that he favored. This interpretation also fits with the recitation of Ibn Mas`ud: (لِيَأْكُلُوا مِنْ ثَمَرِهِ وَمِمَّا عَمِلَتْهُ أَيْدِيهِمْ أَفَلَا يَشْكُرُونَ) (So that they may eat of the fruit thereof — and from what their own hands have done.) Then Allah says:
(Glory be to Him Who has created all the pairs of that which the earth produces,) meaning, of crops and fruits and plants.
(as well as of their own (human) kind, ) means, He made them into male and female.
(and of that which they know not.) means, different kinds of creatures of which they know nothing. This is like the Ayah:
(And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember.) (51:49)
(36:33) Let the[26] dead earth be a Sign for them.[27] We gave it life and produced from it grain whereof they eat.
26. Until now the disbelieves of Makkah were being warned and reproved for their denial of the truth and their attitude of antagonism which they had adopted towards the Prophet (peace be upon him). Now the discourse turns to the basic thing which was the actual cause of the conflict between them and the Prophet (peace be upon him), i.e. the doctrine of Tauhid and the Hereafter, which the Prophet (peace be upon him) was presenting and the disbelievers were refusing to accept. In this connection, some arguments have been given, one after the other, to make the people ponder over the realities, as if to say: Observe these phenomena of the universe, which are ever present before you. Do they not point to the same reality, which this Prophet is presenting before you?
27. “A sign”: A sign that Tauhid is the truth and shirk the falsehood.
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