Transliteration:( Da'waahum feehaa Subhaanakal laahumma wa tahiyyatuhum feehaa salaam; wa aakhiru da'waahum anil hamdu lillaahi Rabbil 'aalameen )
30. By this is meant before petitioning to Allah Almighty we would recite his praises as is the systems of the royal court. Today too the one offering Salaah first recites Thana, thereby becoming an inmate of Paradise while in Salaah.
31. And when they meet one another they will extend a greeting, or the angels would be greeting the inmates of Paradise. This tells to greet at the time of meeting, and reciting praises of Allah Almighty at the time of departure is the pastime or work of the people of Paradise. Or that greetings would be coming from Allah Almighty on the inmates of Paradise.Â
32. From this we learn that although all acts of worship would be terminated in Paradise, reciting the Praises of Allah Almighty would be continued there. Reciting Na'at Shareef of the Holy Prophet too is indirectly praising Allah Almighty
The tafsir of Surah Yunus verse 10 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Yunus ayat 9 which provides the complete commentary from verse 9 through 10.
(10:10) Their cry in it will be: ‘Glory be to You, Our Lord!’, and their greeting: ‘Peace!’; and their cry will always end with: ‘All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe.[14]
14. These facts about the life in Paradise have been stated in order to make conspicuous the high thinking and the noble qualities of the believers. When they enter Paradise after coming out successful in this worldly test, they will manifest the same high qualities of character that they had in this world. Instead of making urgent and immediate demands for beautiful articles of luxury, musical instruments, wine and women, they will sing hymns of praise to their Lord. This also belies that picture of the life in Paradise that some crooked people have formed of it. The fact is that the noble personalities which the believers build in this world and the high ways of thinking and the excellent moral characters they form in this world and the great and rigid training they give to their feelings, emotions and desires, will become all the more prominent in the pure surroundings and environments of Paradise. That is why they will love it most to sing hymns of praise to Allah and glorify His name just as they did in this world. Besides this, their greatest wish and desire in Paradise will be peace for one another, as it was in their collective life in this world.
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