Transliteration:( Fa kazzaboohu fa najjainaahu wa man ma'ahoo fil fulki wa ja'alnaahum khalaaa'ifa wa aghraqnal lazeena kazzaboo bi aayaatinaa fanzur kaifa kaana 'aaqibatul munzareen )
202. From this there is a hint that these believers were not really saved by
the ship but through the companionship with Hazrat Nooh (Alaihis Salaam).
The ship was the container of this companionship. It should be
remembered that in matters of beliefs and deeds acceptance of fellowship
of the Prophet is absolutely essential.
203. By this is meant after the destruction of the infidels the people of the
ship were granted ownership of the land and heirs of their wealth. Or that
Hazrat Nooh (Alaihis Salaam) was made His vicegerent, and after him
believers were made his vicegerents.
204. From its literal meaning one learns that all past and future things are
within the sight of the Prophet of Allah Although the punishment of the
previous people had come to pass yet the 'observe' is being used.
Elsewhere it is being said"Have you not seen how your Lord dealth
with the people of Aad" (S89:V7) This tells that the Holy Prophet صلى الله
عليه وآله وسلم had seen the punishment meted out to the Aad.
Likewise the Holy Prophet ? on the night of Meraj the
inmates of Paradise and Hell, yet they will only enter these places after the
Day of Judgement. In short, the sight of the Prophet beholds everything
past, future, hidden and invisible.
Once the Holy Prophet ?looked skywards and said it is
that time when the knowledge of religion would be taken away from the
world. Yet that particular time would only came very near to Day of
Judgement, but he said this is the time. This tells us that at that point in
time he is looking at this particular time.
The tafsir of Surah Yunus verse 73 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here.
Please refer to Surah Yunus ayat 71 which provides the complete commentary from verse 71 through 73.
(10:73) But they rejected Noah, calling him a liar. So We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark, and made them successors (to the authority in the land), and drowned all those who had rejected Our signs as false. Consider, then, the fate of those who had been warned (and still did not believe).
There is no commentary by Abul Maududi available for this verse.
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