Quran Ayat (Verses) regarding Animals(Word)

In this section, readers can explore a curated collection of Quranic verses regarding Animals(Word). The verses have been carefully arranged to provide easy access and convenience, allowing readers to delve into the spiritual guidance and wisdom imparted by the Quran concerning Quranic ayat about Animals(Word). Spanning across various chapters of the Quran, we have tried our best to arrange them into subcategories as well, making it easier for anyone seeking specific information about Quranic verses regarding Animals(Word). So, let's see what the Quran has to say about Animals(Word) in Islam in various parts of the holy Quran.

إِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ عَلَيۡكُمُ ٱلۡمَيۡتَةَ وَٱلدَّمَ وَلَحۡمَ ٱلۡخِنزِيرِ وَمَآ أُهِلَّ بِهِۦ لِغَيۡرِ ٱللَّهِۖ فَمَنِ ٱضۡطُرَّ غَيۡرَ بَاغٖ وَلَا عَادٖ فَلَآ إِثۡمَ عَلَيۡهِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ غَفُورٞ رَّحِيمٌ

173. He has only forbidden to you carrion, blood, and the flesh of swine [365], and that which has been slaughtered while invoking the name of other than Allah [366]. But whoever is forced (by necessity) [367], neither desiring it nor transgressing its limits, there is no sin upon him [368]. Indeed, Allah is the Most Forgiving, Ever Merciful [369].

Surah Name : Al-Baqarah   Surah Number : 2   Ayat Number: 173

وَأَتِمُّواْ ٱلۡحَجَّ وَٱلۡعُمۡرَةَ لِلَّهِۚ فَإِنۡ أُحۡصِرۡتُمۡ فَمَا ٱسۡتَيۡسَرَ مِنَ ٱلۡهَدۡيِۖ وَلَا تَحۡلِقُواْ رُءُوسَكُمۡ حَتَّىٰ يَبۡلُغَ ٱلۡهَدۡيُ مَحِلَّهُۥۚ فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِيضًا أَوۡ بِهِۦٓ أَذٗى مِّن رَّأۡسِهِۦ فَفِدۡيَةٞ مِّن صِيَامٍ أَوۡ صَدَقَةٍ أَوۡ نُسُكٖۚ فَإِذَآ أَمِنتُمۡ فَمَن تَمَتَّعَ بِٱلۡعُمۡرَةِ إِلَى ٱلۡحَجِّ فَمَا ٱسۡتَيۡسَرَ مِنَ ٱلۡهَدۡيِۚ فَمَن لَّمۡ يَجِدۡ فَصِيَامُ ثَلَٰثَةِ أَيَّامٖ فِي ٱلۡحَجِّ وَسَبۡعَةٍ إِذَا رَجَعۡتُمۡۗ تِلۡكَ عَشَرَةٞ كَامِلَةٞۗ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَن لَّمۡ يَكُنۡ أَهۡلُهُۥ حَاضِرِي ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡحَرَامِۚ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَٱعۡلَمُوٓاْ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ شَدِيدُ ٱلۡعِقَابِ

196.And complete the Hajj [447] and Umrah [448] for the sake of Allah. Then if you are prevented [449], offer a sacrificial animal [450] that can be obtained with ease. And do not shave [451] your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. And, however, if anyone among you is ill or has an ailment of the head [452], a ransom of fasting (of three days) or charity or sacrifice [453]. And when you are at ease [454], then whoever takes advantage [455] of combining Umrah with Hajj, on him there is sacrifice. which may be obtained easily. Then, who cannot afford [456] (sacrifice) he should fast for three days during Hajj and seven days when he returns home; these are ten days complete. This command is for him who is not a dweller of Makkah [457]. And remain fearful of Allah and know that the punishment of Allah is severe.

Surah Name : Al-Baqarah   Surah Number : 2   Ayat Number: 196

خَلَقَ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ بِغَيۡرِ عَمَدٖ تَرَوۡنَهَاۖ وَأَلۡقَىٰ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ رَوَٰسِيَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِكُمۡ وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَآبَّةٖۚ وَأَنزَلۡنَا مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءٗ فَأَنۢبَتۡنَا فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ زَوۡجٖ كَرِيمٍ

10. He has created the heavens without pillars that you can see [12] and put in it anchors, lest it shakes [13] with you, and He has scattered (14) therein all kinds of animals. And We sent down water from the sky (15), then We caused to grow in the earth every fine pair (16) of plants.

Surah Name : Luqman   Surah Number : 31   Ayat Number: 10

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