Quran Quote  :  Verily those who give alms be they men or women, and give Allah a beautiful loan shall be repaid after increasing it many times; and theirs shall be a generous reward. - 57:18

Quran Ayat (Verses) regarding Allah have exalted some of messengers above the others

In this section, readers can explore a curated collection of Quranic verses regarding Allah have exalted some of messengers above the others. The verses have been carefully arranged to provide easy access and convenience, allowing readers to delve into the spiritual guidance and wisdom imparted by the Quran concerning Quranic ayat about Allah have exalted some of messengers above the others. Spanning across various chapters of the Quran, we have tried our best to arrange them into subcategories as well, making it easier for anyone seeking specific information about Quranic verses regarding Allah have exalted some of messengers above the others. So, let's see what the Quran has to say about Allah have exalted some of messengers above the others in Islam in various parts of the holy Quran.

وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلۡنَٰكُمۡ أُمَّةٗ وَسَطٗا لِّتَكُونُواْ شُهَدَآءَ عَلَى ٱلنَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ ٱلرَّسُولُ عَلَيۡكُمۡ شَهِيدٗاۗ وَمَا جَعَلۡنَا ٱلۡقِبۡلَةَ ٱلَّتِي كُنتَ عَلَيۡهَآ إِلَّا لِنَعۡلَمَ مَن يَتَّبِعُ ٱلرَّسُولَ مِمَّن يَنقَلِبُ عَلَىٰ عَقِبَيۡهِۚ وَإِن كَانَتۡ لَكَبِيرَةً إِلَّا عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ هَدَى ٱللَّهُۗ وَمَا كَانَ ٱللَّهُ لِيُضِيعَ إِيمَٰنَكُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِٱلنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفٞ رَّحِيمٌۭ

143. And thus We made you an exalted [289] community among all the nations that you may be a witness [290] over the people and the Rasool (Messenger) will be a witness over you [291]. And (O Beloved) We did not make the Qibla, which you used to face (Baitul Muqaddas) but that We might make evident who would follow the Rasool from who would turn back on his heels. And, surely, it is difficult, except for those whom Allah has guided [292], and never would Allah cause you to lose your faith [293]. Surely, Allah is to the people, Most Kind and Merciful [294].

Surah Name : Al-Baqarah   Surah Number : 2   Ayat Number: 143

۞تِلۡكَ ٱلرُّسُلُ فَضَّلۡنَا بَعۡضَهُمۡ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضٖۘ مِّنۡهُم مَّن كَلَّمَ ٱللَّهُۖ وَرَفَعَ بَعۡضَهُمۡ دَرَجَٰتٖۚ وَءَاتَيۡنَا عِيسَى ٱبۡنَ مَرۡيَمَ ٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتِ وَأَيَّدۡنَٰهُ بِرُوحِ ٱلۡقُدُسِۗ وَلَوۡ شَآءَ ٱللَّهُ مَا ٱقۡتَتَلَ ٱلَّذِينَ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِم مِّنۢ بَعۡدِ مَا جَآءَتۡهُمُ ٱلۡبَيِّنَٰتُ وَلَٰكِنِ ٱخۡتَلَفُواْ فَمِنۡهُم مَّنۡ ءَامَنَ وَمِنۡهُم مَّن كَفَرَۚ وَلَوۡ شَآءَ ٱللَّهُ مَا ٱقۡتَتَلُواْ وَلَٰكِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَفۡعَلُ مَا يُرِيدُ

253. Of these Messengers, We have exalted some over others [641]. Among them are those to whom Allah spoke [642], and some He raised in degrees of honor [643]. We gave Isa, son of Mariam [644], clear signs and supported him with the pure spirit (Jibril) [645]. If Allah had willed, those who came after him would not have fought [646] with each other after receiving clear proofs. But they differed; some of them believed, while others became infidels. If Allah had willed, they would not have fought [647], but Allah does what He wills.

Surah Name : Al-Baqarah   Surah Number : 2   Ayat Number: 253

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