Soera At-Tariq - Nederlands Vertaling, Transliteratie, Tafsir - Van [1-10] Naar

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بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ


وَٱلسَّمَآءِ ذَاتِ ٱلۡبُرُوجِ

Bij de hemel en haar sterren.

وَمَآ أَدۡرَىٰكَ مَا ٱلطَّارِقُ

En wat doet jullie weten wat de bezoeker van de nacht is?

ٱلنَّجۡمُ ٱلثَّاقِبُ

Het is een ster van doordringende helderheid.

إِن كُلُّ نَفۡسٖ لَّمَّا عَلَيۡهَا حَافِظٞ

Over iedere ziel is er een waker.

فَلۡيَنظُرِ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ مِمَّ خُلِقَ

Laat de mens dan kijken waaruit hij geschapen is.

خُلِقَ مِن مَّآءٖ دَافِقٖ

Hij is geschapen van een uitgestorte vloeistof.

يَخۡرُجُ مِنۢ بَيۡنِ ٱلصُّلۡبِ وَٱلتَّرَآئِبِ

Voortkomend tussen de ruggegraat en de ribben.

إِنَّهُۥ عَلَىٰ رَجۡعِهِۦ لَقَادِرٞ

Waarlijk, (Allah) is in staat om hem weer (tot leven) te brengen!

يَوۡمَ تُبۡلَى ٱلسَّرَآئِرُ

De dag dat alle geheimen onderzocht zullen worden.

فَمَا لَهُۥ مِن قُوَّةٖ وَلَا نَاصِرٖ

Dan zal (de mens) geen kracht noch een helper hebben.

Surah dutch Translation and Transliteration

In Surah you can read the translation of Ahmad Raza Khan who was a renowned scholar of the Islamic world and his translation book is known as Kanzul Imaan. You can read the transliteration of Surah which will help you to understand how to read the Arabic text. Apart from that, we have included a Word-By-Word dutch Translation of the Arabic text of Surah .

Surah dutch Tafsir/Tafseer (Commentry)

In Surah we have included two Tafseer (Commentary) in dutch. The first one is from Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan who was a well-known scholar. In this tafsir, we have also included the most popular Tafsir Ibn-Kathir which is the most comprehensive tafsir available in the world. You can read both or any one of your choice.

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