Surah Al-Anfal Englsh Translation, Transliteration Tafsir [-9-0]

Surah Al-Anfal (Arabic: الأنفال, al-Anfāl; meaning "The Spoils of War") is the eighth chapter (Surah) of the Quran, consisting of 75 verses (Ayat).

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The summary/theme of the Surah Al-Anfal

 There are beautiful points to be understood and applied in Surah Anfal, also known as Surah Badr, which discusses the first battle between Muslims and polytheists in Mecca in the 2nd year after Hijra.

Lesson learned from surah Al-Anfal

  1. The true believers are those whose hearts soften when Allah's is remembered, and when the a€yahs of Allah's are recited, their aªm'n increases in strength.  
  2. As long as people remain seeking Allah's’s forgiveness, His punishment will not befall them.  
  3. The spoils of war should be distributed according to the instructions of Allah's.  
  4. Allah's does not like those who deceive.  
  5. No matter how hard you try to achieve something, you will never be able to achieve it if Allah's doesn’t will for it to happen.

Recitation   Benefits of surah Al-Anfal

  1.  Recitation of Surah Anfal will helpful Intercession on Qiyama /Day Of Judgement.
  2.  One of the benefit of Surah Anfal Recitation is Fulfillment of hajat/Need/Purpose.
  3.  Recitation of Surah Anfal breaks the neck of self-conceit, pride and other evils. Our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) would intercede on behalf of the reciter of this surah on the day of judgement and assure the almighty Lord that hypocrisy never touched the reciter of this surat. Good deeds equal in number to all the hypocrites would be recorded in the name of the reciter of this surah.
  4.  Another benefit of Surah Anfal is on paper and wear around the neck as a taweez would get his rights from the man in authority. He would have an upper hand over those who quarrel with him or annoy him and come out fully satisfied.
  5. Surah Al-Anfal Wazifa for Getting Better Results in any exams, Recite he 62nd Ayah of this Surah 7 times before entering the examination hall with Wudu.
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بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ


وَإِن يُرِيدُواْ خِيَانَتَكَ فَقَدۡ خَانُواْ ٱللَّهَ مِن قَبۡلُ فَأَمۡكَنَ مِنۡهُمۡۗ وَٱللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

Transliteration:( Wa iny-yureedoo khiyaa nataka faqad khaanullaaha min qablu fa amkana minhum; wallaahu 'Aleemun Hakeem )
71. And if they intend to betray you [159], then they have already betrayed Allah before. So He has given you power over them [160]. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَهَاجَرُواْ وَجَٰهَدُواْ بِأَمۡوَٰلِهِمۡ وَأَنفُسِهِمۡ فِي سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَاوَواْ وَّنَصَرُوٓاْ أُوْلَـٰٓئِكَ بَعۡضُهُمۡ أَوۡلِيَآءُ بَعۡضٖۚ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَلَمۡ يُهَاجِرُواْ مَا لَكُم مِّن وَلَٰيَتِهِم مِّن شَيۡءٍ حَتَّىٰ يُهَاجِرُواْۚ وَإِنِ ٱسۡتَنصَرُوكُمۡ فِي ٱلدِّينِ فَعَلَيۡكُمُ ٱلنَّصۡرُ إِلَّا عَلَىٰ قَوۡمِۭ بَيۡنَكُمۡ وَبَيۡنَهُم مِّيثَٰقٞۗ وَٱللَّهُ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ بَصِيرٞ

Transliteration:( Innal lazeena aamanoo wa haajaroo wa jaahadoo bi amwaalihim wa anfusihim fee sabeelil laahi wallazeena aawaw wa nasarooo ulaaa'ika ba'duhum awliyaaa'u ba'd; wallazeena aamanoo wa lam yuhaajiroo maa lakum minw walaayatihim min shai'in hatta yuhaajiroo; wa inistan sarookum fid deeni fa'alaiku munnasru illaa 'alaa qawmin bainakum wa bainahum meesaaq; wallaahu bimaa ta'maloona Baseer )
72. Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated for the sake of Allah [161], and fought with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah, and those who provided shelter and supported them—these are allies of one another. And those who have believed but have not emigrated, you have no duty to protect them [162] until they emigrate. If they seek your assistance in the matter of religion, then it is your duty to assist them, except against a people with whom you have a treaty [163]. And Allah is All-Seer of what you do.

وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بَعۡضُهُمۡ أَوۡلِيَآءُ بَعۡضٍۚ إِلَّا تَفۡعَلُوهُ تَكُن فِتۡنَةٞ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَفَسَادٞ كَبِيرٞ

Transliteration:( Wallazeena kafaroo ba'duhum awliyaaa'u ba'd; illaa taf'aloohu takun fitnatun fil ardi wa fasaadun kabeer )
73. And the disbelievers are allies of one another [165]. If you do not do this, there will be great turmoil and corruption [166] in the land.

وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَهَاجَرُواْ وَجَٰهَدُواْ فِي سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَاوَواْ وَّنَصَرُوٓاْ أُوْلَـٰٓئِكَ هُمُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنُونَ حَقّٗاۚ لَّهُم مَّغۡفِرَةٞ وَرِزۡقٞ كَرِيمٞ

Transliteration:( Wallazeena aamanoo wa haajaroo wa jaahadoo fee sabeelil laahi wallazeena aawaw wa nasarooo ulaaa'ika humul mu'minoona haqqaa; lahum maghfiratunw wa rizqun kareem )
74. And those who believed and migrated and fought in the way of Allah, and those who gave shelter and helped, they are the true believers [167]. For them is forgiveness and a noble provision [168].

وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ مِنۢ بَعۡدُ وَهَاجَرُواْ وَجَٰهَدُواْ مَعَكُمۡ فَأُوْلَـٰٓئِكَ مِنكُمۡۚ وَأُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَرۡحَامِ بَعۡضُهُمۡ أَوۡلَىٰ بِبَعۡضٖ فِي كِتَٰبِ ٱللَّهِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِكُلِّ شَيۡءٍ عَلِيمُۢ

Transliteration:( Wallazeena aamanoo min ba'du wa haajaroo wa jaahadoo ma'akum fa Ulaaa'ika minkum; wa ulul arhaami baduhum awlaa biba'din fee Kitaabil laah; innal laaha bikulli shai'in 'Aleem )
75. And those who believed afterwards [169], and migrated and fought alongside you, they are also from you. And the blood relatives are nearer to one another in the Book of Allah [170]. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of everything.

Surah Al-Anfal English Translation and Transliteration

In Surah Al-Anfal you can read the translation of Ahmad Raza Khan who was a renowned scholar of the Islamic world and his translation book is known as Kanzul Imaan. You can read the transliteration of Surah Al-Anfal which will help you to understand how to read the Arabic text. Apart from that, we have included a Word-By-Word English Translation of the Arabic text of Surah Al-Anfal.

Surah Al-Anfal English Tafsir/Tafseer (Commentry)

In Surah Al-Anfal we have included two Tafseer (Commentary) in English. The first one is from Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan who was a well-known scholar. In this tafsir, we have also included the most popular Tafsir Ibn-Kathir which is the most comprehensive tafsir available in the world. You can read both or any one of your choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are 75 verses / Ayat in Surah Al-Anfal

Surah Al-Anfal was revealed in Madinah

Surah Al-Anfal can be found in Juz or Para 9-10

There are 10 Ruku in Surah Al-Anfal

Surah number of Surah Al-Anfal is 8

The meaning of Surah Al-Anfal is The Spoils of War

You can find English Translation, Transliteration and Tafseer/Tafsir of Surah Al-Anfal here at Here two tafseer are currently.One is Tafsir Ibn-Kathir and another one is Tafsir-e-Naeemi.

Dear bothers and sisters as a Sunni Muslim we cannot say any Translation and Tafseer was as long it conforms with the 4 school of thoughts. But here at, we have included Tafsir Ibn-Kathir which is most comprehensive tafsir. Apart from that we have also included tafsir of Mufti Ahmad Yaar khan, Tafsir-e-Naeemi of Surah Al-Anfal.

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