8.And the moon is eclipsed [8].
Surah Name : Al-Qiyamah Surah Number : 75 Ayat Number: 8
9.And the sun and the moon will be joined[9] together.
Surah Name : Al-Qiyamah Surah Number : 75 Ayat Number: 9
16. "And placed the moon [24] within them as a light, and made the sun a lamp [25]?"
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 16
1.The Hour came near [1] and the moon was split (2.)
Surah Name : Al-Qamar Surah Number : 54 Ayat Number: 1
37. And among His Signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon[97]. Prostrate neither before the sun nor the moon [98], only prostrate before Allah alone. Who created(99) them, if you are His devotee (100).
Surah Name : Fussilat Surah Number : 41 Ayat Number: 37