15.Whosoever does righteous deeds does it for his own [26], and whosoever does evil, does it for his own self [27]. Then to your Lord will you all be returned (28)
Surah Name : Al-Jathiyah Surah Number : 45 Ayat Number: 15
21.Do those who commit evil deeds think that We shall make them equal to those who believe and act righteous [42]? Is their life and their death equal? What an evil [43] judgement they make.
Surah Name : Al-Jathiyah Surah Number : 45 Ayat Number: 21
30.But those who believed and did righteous deeds [64], their Lord will admit them to His Mercy [65]. This is the clear success (66).
Surah Name : Al-Jathiyah Surah Number : 45 Ayat Number: 30
8.Surely, those who believe and do righteous deeds shall have endless [16] rewards.
Surah Name : Fussilat Surah Number : 41 Ayat Number: 8
33.And who is better in speech than him who invites [88] towards Allah and does righteous [89] deeds and says: "I am a Muslim" [90].
Surah Name : Fussilat Surah Number : 41 Ayat Number: 33
46. "Whoever does righteous deeds, it is for his own good [127], and whoever commits evil deeds, it is to his own detriment. Then to your Lord, you will be returned [to hear its result]. And your Lord is not unjust [128] to His servants."
Surah Name : Fussilat Surah Number : 41 Ayat Number: 46
10.Allah sets out an example to the infidels [34] of the wife of Nuh and the wife [35] of Lut. They were both under two of Our righteous devotees, but they (the wives) betrayed [36] them. But nothing helped them against Allah, and it was said: "Enter both the fire [37] with those who enter it."
Surah Name : At-Tahreem Surah Number : 66 Ayat Number: 10
41. Verily, the righteous [36] shall be amidst shade and fountains.
Surah Name : Al-Mursalat Surah Number : 77 Ayat Number: 41
44. Certainly, thus do We reward [40] the righteous.
Surah Name : Al-Mursalat Surah Number : 77 Ayat Number: 44