7.And those who have believed and done righteous deeds, We will certainly remove their misdeeds from them [11], and reward them according to the best of what they used to do [12].
Surah Name : Al-Ankabut Surah Number : 29 Ayat Number: 7
60. But those who repented and believed and did righteous deeds [107], will enter Paradise [108] and will not be wronged in the least [109].
Surah Name : Maryam Surah Number : 19 Ayat Number: 60
21. Compete with each other in seeking forgiveness from your Lord and to obtain Paradise [70], the value of which is equal to the width of the heavens and the earth [71], prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. This is the Grace [72] of Allah. He bestows it upon whom He wills. And Allah is the Lord of great Bounty [73].
Surah Name : Al-Hadeed Surah Number : 57 Ayat Number: 21
84. Whoever brings good, for him is [something] better than it [209], and whoever brings evil, those who did evil will not be recompensed except [as much as] what they used to do [210].
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 84