52. And We revealed to Musa: Travel by night with My servants; indeed, you will be pursued. [59]
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 52
53. Then Fir'awn [Pharaoh] sent gatherers to the cities [60].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 53
54.That these are a small party [61]
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 54
55. And indeed, they are enraging us [62].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 55
56. And indeed, we all are vigilant [63].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 56
57. Therefore, We turned them out from gardens and springs [64].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 57
58. And treasures and fine abodes [65].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 58
59. Thus We did and made the heirs of it the children of Israel [66].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 59
60. Then the people of Pharaoh followed them at sunrise [67].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 60
61. Then when the two groups saw each other, the people of Musa said, 'We are surely overtaken' [68].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 61
62. [Moses] said, 'Not at all. Indeed, my Lord is with me; He will guide me' [69].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 62
63. Then We revealed to Moses: Strike the sea with your staff. Hence, the sea was parted [70], and every part was like a big mountain [71].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 63
64. And We brought others nearer to that place [72].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 64
65. And We saved Moses and all those with him [73].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 65
66. Then We drowned the others [74].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 66
67. Indeed, in that is a sign [75]. And most of them were not believers [76].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 67
68. And indeed, your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful.
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 68