84. Musa said [224], "O my people if you believe in Allah, place your trust in Him alone if you are Muslims [225]."
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 84
88. Musa said, "O Lord! You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of this world [232]. O our Lord! That they may lead people astray [233] from Your Path. O our Lord! Destroy their wealth and harden their hearts [234], so they will not believe until they see the painful punishment [235]."
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 88
90. And We led the Children of Israel across the sea [239]. Then Pharaoh and his armies pursued them with aggression and enmity until drowning overtook him [241]. He said, "I believe that there is no deity except the one whom the Children of Israel believe in [242], and I am among the Muslims [243]."
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 90
96. No doubt, those against whom the word of your Lord has been fulfilled will not believe [256].
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 96
98. Then why was there not a town [258] that believed, and its belief benefited it, except for the people of Yunus [259]? When they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in this worldly life [260] and allowed them to enjoy [261] for a time.
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 98
99. And if your Lord had willed, all who are on the earth would have believed [262] altogether. Will you then force people until they become believers [263]?
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 99
100. And no soul has the power to believe but by the leave [264]. of Allah. And He lays His defilement upon those who have no wisdom.
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 100
101. Say, 'Look at what is in the heavens and the earth [265]. But signs and warnings are of no benefit to a people who do not believe [266].
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 101
17. Is he then [38] who is upon clear evidence from his Lord, and a witness from Him [39], and before it the Book of Musa as a guide and mercy, like the one who disbelieves? Those are the ones who believe in it [40]. And whoever disbelieves in it from the factions, then the Fire is his promised meeting place [41]. So do not be in doubt about it. Indeed, it is the truth from your Lord, but most people do not believe.
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 17
53. They said, "O Hud, you have not brought us any clear proof [112], and we are not going to abandon our gods because of your statement, nor are we going to believe in you" [113].
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 53
86. And what remains from Allah's provision is better for you, if you are believers [176]. And I am not a guardian over you [177].
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 86
56. The Kingdom on that Day is of Allah's only [120] He will judge between them. Then those who believed [121] and did good deeds, they are in the gardens of comfort.
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 56
54. And so that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, so they believed in it, then their hearts [117] may submit to it, and indeed, Allah guides the believers to the straight path, [118].
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 54
50. Then those who believed and did good works for them. Is forgiveness and an honourable [110] provision.
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 50
23. No doubt, Allah will cause those who believed and did good deeds to enter Gardens beneath which streams flow [47], they will be made to [48] wear bracelets of gold and pearls. And their apparel there is of silk.
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 23
17. Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, Christians, Magians(37), and Polytheists(38),- Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment(39): for Allah is witness of all things.
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 17
14. Indeed, Allah will cause those who believed and did good deeds to enter gardens beneath which rivers [33] flow. No doubt, Allah does what He will.
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 14
70. Except for those who repent [121] and believe [122] and do righteous work [123]; for them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good ones. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 70
15.Only they believe [31] in Our Signs who, when they are reminded of them they fall down prostrate [32], praising their Lord, expressing His Glory in full humility (33) (Sajdah Tilawat becomes obligatory upon one reciting it or hearing its recitation).
Surah Name : As-Sajdah Surah Number : 32 Ayat Number: 15
18. Will then he who is a believer be like him who is disobedient? They are not at all equal [39].
Surah Name : As-Sajdah Surah Number : 32 Ayat Number: 18