74. And those who believed and migrated and fought in the way of Allah, and those who gave shelter and helped, they are the true believers [167]. For them is forgiveness and a noble provision [168].
Surah Name : Al-Anfal Surah Number : 8 Ayat Number: 74
75. And those who believed afterwards [169], and migrated and fought alongside you, they are also from you. And the blood relatives are nearer to one another in the Book of Allah [170]. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of everything.
Surah Name : Al-Anfal Surah Number : 8 Ayat Number: 75
1. Alif, Lam, Meem, Ra[1]. These are the verses of the Book, [2] and what has been sent down to you from your Lord is the truth, [3] but most people do not believe. [4]
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 1
2. Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without pillars that you can see. [5] Then He established Himself on the Throne [6] and made the sun and the moon subservient. Each one runs its course for a specified term. [7] He plans every affair and explains the signs in detail so that you may believe in the meeting with your Lord. [8]
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 2
29. Those who believed and performed good deeds, for them is the bliss [81] and the good end.
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 29
16. Then let no one who does not believe in it and follows his own desire [17] bar you from believing lest you may perish.
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 16
70. Then all the magicians were made to prostrate [86] they said, ' We believe in him who is the Lord of Musa and Harun'. [87]
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 70
71. Firawn said, did you believe in Him before I permitted [88] you'? Indeed, he is your chief who taught you magic. Then I swear necessarily I will cut off your hands, and feet of alternate side [89] and will crucify (90). you upon the trunks of the palm-trees, and certainly you will know, which of us is more severe and more lasting in punishment. (91)
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 71
73. Indeed, we believed in our Lord that He might forgive our sins [94] and also that to which you forced us on magic. [95] and Allah is the Best and Most Lasting.(96)
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 73
75. And he who comes to his Lord as a believer having done good deeds, for such are the high ranks.[98]
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 75
82. And indeed, I am the most forgiving to him who repented [110] and believed and did good deeds, then remained on guidance [111].
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 82
127. And thus we do recompense him who crosses the limit and believes not in the signs of his Lord. And indeed, the torment of the Hereafter is the severest and forever lasting [180] .
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 127
2. The adulteress and adulterer, then flog each [5] of them with hundred [6] stripes, and you should not be compassionate for them in the religion of Allah if you believe in Allah and the Last Day( 7), And let a party of Muslims be present at the time of their punishment (8).
Surah Name : An-Nur Surah Number : 24 Ayat Number: 2
17. Allah admonishes you now never repeat like of it if you believe. [33]
Surah Name : An-Nur Surah Number : 24 Ayat Number: 17
47. And they say, "We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger, and we obeyed." Then some of them turn away after this [130]. And those are not true Muslims [131].
Surah Name : An-Nur Surah Number : 24 Ayat Number: 47
55. Allah has promised those among you who believed and performed good deeds [144] that He will surely grant them succession [145] in the land, as He granted it to those before them [146]. He will establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and will change their fear to security [147]. They worship Me and do not associate anything with Me. But whoever disbelieves after this, those are the defiantly disobedient [148].
Surah Name : An-Nur Surah Number : 24 Ayat Number: 55
42. And those who believe and do good deeds [94], We do not burden anyone beyond their capacity [95]. They are the companions of Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever..
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 42
75. The proud leaders [185] of his people said to the weak Muslims: "Do you know [186] that Saleh is a Messenger from his Lord? [187]" They said: "Indeed, we believe in what has been revealed to him" [188].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 75
76. The boastful ones said: "In that which you believe we surely disbelieve" [189].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 76
85. And to Madyan We sent Shu'ayb from their brethren [203]. He said: "O my people! Worship Allah, for there is no god for you other than Him. Indeed, there have come to you bright proofs from your Lord. Then give full measures [204] and full weights properly, and do not give the people their things in reduction [205]. And do not spread mischief on the earth after setting its fair management. This is good for you if you believe [206]."
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 85