57. Those whom these infidels invoke [123] are seeking a means [124 ]to their Lord, which of them is nearest. They hope for His mercy and fear His punishment [125]. Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is to be feared.
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 57
100. Say, 'If you had been the owners of the treasures of the mercy of my Lord, you would have surely held it back because of fear of spending [208]. And man is a great miser [209].'
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 100
6. And We should establish them in the earth [12] and show to Firawn and Haman and their armies the same, which they fear, from them [13].
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 6
7. And We inspired [14] the mother of Musa, "Suckle him [15], and when you fear for him [16], cast him into the river and do not fear [17] nor grieve; indeed, We shall return him to you and make him one of the Messengers [18]."
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 7
25. Then one of the two women came to him walking bashfully and said, "My father invites you to reward you for watering our animals." When Musa came to him and related the story, [66] he said, "Do not fear; you have escaped from the wrongdoers." [67]
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 25
33.He said, I have killed a person from among them, I therefore, fear that they may kill me. [93]
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 33
34. And my brother Haroon is more eloquent in speech [94] than I, so send him with me as a helper [95] to confirm my words. Indeed, I fear that they will deny me." [96]
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 34
16. Therefore, fear [38] Allah as much as you can, and listen and obey [39], and spend [40]. It is better for you. And whoever is protected from the greed [41] of their own soul, they are the successful ones.
Surah Name : At-Taghabun Surah Number : 64 Ayat Number: 16
33.0 people! Fear Allah [72], your Lord and have apprehension of the day when neither a father will be of any benefit to his son, nor any affectionate son will be able to provide and benefit [73] to his father. Indeed, the promise of Allah is true (74). Therefore, let not the life of this world deceive (75) you concerning Allah.
Surah Name : Luqman Surah Number : 31 Ayat Number: 33
9.Can someone who remains in the hours of the night in devotion [32], prostrating and standing in fear of the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord, be like the one who is disobedient? Please declare: "Are those who know equal to those who do not know[33] ? Surely, only those understand who are wise(34)
Surah Name : Az-Zumar Surah Number : 39 Ayat Number: 9
10.Please declare: "O My devotees who believe, fear [35] your Lord. There is good for those who do good in this world [36]. And Allah's earth is spacious (37). Most certainly, the steadfast shall be fully rewarded without (38) measure".
Surah Name : Az-Zumar Surah Number : 39 Ayat Number: 10
13. Please declare: "Certainly I fear to disobey my Lord, for the fear [42] of punishment of the Great Day".
Surah Name : Az-Zumar Surah Number : 39 Ayat Number: 13
20.But those who fear their[54] Lord, for them are lofty chambers, over which are built further chambers, heneath which flow streams. That is the promise of Allah. And Allah does not break [55] His Promise.
Surah Name : Az-Zumar Surah Number : 39 Ayat Number: 20
23.Allah has revealed the best Book that is alike from beginning to the end (in beauty, truth and fairness), having repeated description (65) (promise of reward and award of punishment) at which do shiver (66) the skins of those who fear their Lord. Their skins and hearts soften towards the rememberance of Allah. This is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He Pleases (67). And he, whom Allah leaves to go on the wrong (68) way, there is none to guide him.
Surah Name : Az-Zumar Surah Number : 39 Ayat Number: 23
61. And Allah will save them who fear in their place of deliverance [150] No evil shall touch them, nor shall they grieve[151].
Surah Name : Az-Zumar Surah Number : 39 Ayat Number: 61
51. And with this Quran, warn those who fear that they shall be raised towards their Lord, for them there is no supporter [100] nor any intercessor besides Allah, that perhaps they may become God-fearing.
Surah Name : Al-Anam Surah Number : 6 Ayat Number: 51
48. And We do not send the Messengers except as bearers of good news and warners [94]. So, those who believe and improve themselves, for them there is no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Surah Name : Al-Anam Surah Number : 6 Ayat Number: 48
96. Lawful to you is the game of the sea (fishing) [265], and its eating for you and the travellers. And forbidden to you is the game of the land, as long as you are in all Ihraam [266]. And fear Allah towards Whom you are going to rise.
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 96
13. Will you not fight with a people who have broken their oaths and resolved [28] to expel the Messenger, although they made the commencement of hostility against you? Do you fear [29] them? But Allah is most worthy of being feared if you believe in Him [30].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 13
18. Only they shall inhabit [39] the mosques of Allah, who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and who establish prayer and pay the poor-due and fear none but Allah. So these are the people who are among the guided ones [40].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 18