2. Upon the infidels, which none may avert [2].
Surah Name : Al-Maaarij Surah Number : 70 Ayat Number: 2
34. And on the Day when the infidels shall be exposed before the fire, it will be said to them: "Is this not the truth[94] They will say: "Why not, it is so by our Lord". It will be said to them: Taste then the punishment as the award of your infidelity [95]".
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 34
20.And on the day when the infidels will be exposed to the fire, (it shall be said to them): "You had exhausted (56) your good things in your worldly life and fully enjoyed (57) them. Therefore, today you shall be awarded the degrading punishment (58), a punishment for that you were arrogant (59) in the earth, without justification, and because you acted rebelliously (60)".
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 20
11. And the infidels said about the believers: "If it had been good they would not have reached to it ahead [30] of us". And since they have not been guided thereby, therefore they will say: "This is an old [31] fabrication".
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 11
7. And when Our clear Verses [16]are recited to them the infidels say about the truth, when it reaches them:"This is clear magic [17]".
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 7
3.We have not created the heavens and the earth and what is in between them except with truth [5] and for an appointed [6] term. But the infidels turn(7) away from that they were warned of.
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 3
5. Surely, those who oppose [19] Allah and His Messenger will be brought low, just as those before them were brought low [20]. Indeed, We have sent down clear verses [21], and for the disbelievers is a humiliating punishment.
Surah Name : Al-Mujadilah Surah Number : 58 Ayat Number: 5
4.But whoever does not have the means [13] (to free a slave), let him fast for two consecutive months before they touch [14] each other. And whoever is unable to fast [15], let him feed sixty [16] needy people. This is so that you may believe [17] in Allah and His Messenger. These are the limits set by Allah, and for the disbelievers is a painful punishment [18].
Surah Name : Al-Mujadilah Surah Number : 58 Ayat Number: 4
13.O you who believe! Do not make friends with people with whom Allah is wrathful [54]. Indeed, they are in despair of the Hereafter, just as the infidels are in despair [55] of those who are in the graves.
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 13
11. And if anyone from your wives goes away from the custody of believers to the infidels [43], then you punish the infidels. And give from the spoils of war [44] to those whose women have gone away, the like of that which they have spent (on such wives), and fear Allah in Whom you believe.
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 11
10. O believers! When believing women come to you as refugees, examine [33] them. Allah Knows best their faith [34]. Then if you find them to be true believers, do not send them back to the infidels [35]. Neither are these (women) lawful [36] for them, nor are they (men) lawful to these (women). And give their infidel husbands what they have spent [37]. And there is no blame on you if you marry [38] them when you pay them their dowries [39]. And hold not to them ties of marriage [40] with infidel women and ask back what you have spent, and the infidels should ask [41] for what they have spent [42]. This is the order of Allah. He judges between you, and Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 10
2. If they get the upper hand on you, they will become your enemies [9], and will stretch out their hands to you and their evil tongues with ardent desire that you become infidels [10].
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 2
7. O infidels! Do not urge any excuses today. You shall only be recompensed for what you used to do.
Surah Name : At-Tahreem Surah Number : 66 Ayat Number: 7
51.And the infidels would strike you with their angry [63] glances when they heard the Quran [64] and said: "Surely, he is insane" [65].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 51
4. Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains, shackles, and a blazing fire[7].
Surah Name : Al-Insan Surah Number : 76 Ayat Number: 4
7. For the infidels there is a severe penalty [22] and those who believed and have done good deeds, for them is forgiveness and great reward [23].
Surah Name : Fatir Surah Number : 35 Ayat Number: 7
43.And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them they say: "This is not but a man [127] who desires to turn you away from that which your fathers worshipped [128]". And they say: "This is nothing but a lie, which is fabricated (129)". And the infidels say about the truth when it comes to them: "This is nothing but open (130) magic".
Surah Name : Saba Surah Number : 34 Ayat Number: 43
31.And the infidels said: "We shall never believe in this Quran, nor in those Books which were before[95] it". And if you could see the unjust[96] will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back on one another the blame. Those who were deemed weak will say to those who were arrogant: "It is but for you (97), otherwise we would surely have been of the believers (98)",
Surah Name : Saba Surah Number : 34 Ayat Number: 31
7.The infidels said: "Shall we point you a person [22] who will inform you that when being torn into pieces [23] you become small particles, you are then to be recreated (24)?"
Surah Name : Saba Surah Number : 34 Ayat Number: 7
3.And the infidels said: "The Hour [10] will not come to us". Please declare: "Why not, by my Lord, it will no doubt come to you". He knows the unseen [11]. Not an atom's weight in the heavens and in the earth can escape (12) from Him, nor anything less than that or greater, but everything is in the Clear Book (13).
Surah Name : Saba Surah Number : 34 Ayat Number: 3