101. These are the towns, the news of which We relate to you [236]. And indeed, there came to them their Messengers with clear signs, but they were not able to believe what they had first rejected [237]. Thus, Allah sealed the hearts of the disbelievers [238].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 101
104. And Musa said: "O Firaun! I am the Messenger from the Lord of the Worlds" [241].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 104
157. And those who follow the unlettered Messenger (the communicator of hidden news), whom they find written [348] with them in the Torah and the Gospel [349]. He will command them to do good and forbid them from evil, and will make lawful for them [350] pure things and forbid them from impure things [351], and will relieve them of their burdens and the shackles [352] that were upon them. So, those who believe in him, honor him, support him [353], and follow the Light that has been sent down [354] with him—they are the ones who have attained success [355].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 157
158. Say [356]: "O mankind! I am a Messenger to all of you from Allah, to Whom [357] belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth [358]. None is worthy of worship except Him. He gives life and causes death. So, believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered [359] communicator of hidden news, who believes [360] in Allah and His Words. And follow him so that you may be guided."
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 158
32.Surely those who disbelieve and hinder [77] others from the Way of Allah and oppose the Messenger of Allah after the guidance becomes clear [78] to them, they shall never harm (79) Allah and He will make their works fruitless.
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 32
33. O believers [80] Obey Allah and His Messenger [81], and let not your deeds go in vain (82).
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 33
35. And those who associate partners with Allah said [73], "Had Allah willed, we would not have worshipped anything besides Him—neither we nor our forefathers—nor would we have forbidden anything apart from Him." Thus did those before them [74]. Then, is there upon the messengers anything except the clear conveyance [75]?
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 35
36. And We certainly sent a messenger to every nation, saying, "Worship Allah [77] and avoid false gods." Some of them Allah guided, and others had the decree of misguidance fulfilled upon them [78]. So travel through the earth and see [79] how was the end of those who denied [80].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 36
63. By Allah [130], indeed, We sent messengers to nations before you, but Satan made their deeds seem pleasing to them [131]; so today, he is their companion, and for them is a painful punishment [132].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 63
113. And indeed, a messenger came to them from within themselves, but they belied him. Then the torment [251] seized them while they were unjust [252].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 113
10. And cast down your staff. When Musa saw it wriggling like a serpent [18], he turned his back and did not look back [19]. We said, "O Musa, fear not, for the messengers do not fear in My presence." [20]
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 10
35. And I have to send a present [68] to him, then I shall see what answer the messengers bring back [69].
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 35
13. "And my breast is [15] tight and my tongue does not move fluently; therefore, appoint Aaron [Haroon] as a Messenger [16]."
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 13
16. Therefore go to Pharaoh [21] (Fir'awn) and say, "Both of us are the messengers of the Lord of the worlds [22]."
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 16
21. Therefore, I went away from you [28] when I feared you, then my Lord granted me judgment and made me one of the Messengers [29].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 21
27. (Firawn) said, "This Messenger who has been sent to you is certainly mad" [36].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 27
105. The people of Nuh denied the Messengers [108].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 105
107. Indeed, I am a trustworthy Messenger for you [110].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 107
123. Aad denied the Messengers [124].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 123
125. Indeed, I am a trustworthy Messenger for you. [126]
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 125