18. They will say, 'Glory be to You; it was not fitting for us to take any other patron besides You [32]. But You allowed them and their forefathers to continue until they forgot Your remembrance [33]. And these were the ones who were doomed.'
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 18
29.Therefore turn aside from them who turn away from Our Remembrance [33] and who seek only the life of this world [34]
Surah Name : An-Najm Surah Number : 53 Ayat Number: 29
9. O you who believe! Let not your wealth or your children divert [28] you from the remembrance of Allah. And whoever does that, they are the losers [29].
Surah Name : Al-Munafiqun Surah Number : 63 Ayat Number: 9
52.And it is not but a remembrance to the universe [66].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 52
5. Should We then take away this. Remembrance [5] from you, because you are the people exceeding [6] the limits?
Surah Name : Az-Zukhruf Surah Number : 43 Ayat Number: 5
36. And he who turns away from the Remembrance [61] of the most Affectionate, We assign to him a devil, and he becomes his companion [62].
Surah Name : Az-Zukhruf Surah Number : 43 Ayat Number: 36
44. And surely, it (the Quran) is a remembrance for you and for your people (76), and you will soon be questioned (77) about it.
Surah Name : Az-Zukhruf Surah Number : 43 Ayat Number: 44