15. He [Allah] said, "Not [19] so; go both of you with Our signs. We are with you [20] listening."
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 15
49. And he shall be a Messenger to the children of Israel [103] saying: I have come to you with a sign from your Lord [104] that I can make for you out of clay a figure of a bird [105], then breathe [106] into it and it will become alive, by the permission of Allah [107]. And I will heal [108] the blind and the leper [109] and give life to the dead, by permission of Allah [110]. And I can tell you what you have eaten and what you have stored in your homes [111]. Surely, in that you have signs, for you, if you believe.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 49
70. O People of the Scripture! Why do you disbelieve the signs of Allah [149] while you yourselves are witnesses?
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 70
97. Therein are clear signs [212], the place where Ebrahim (Abraham) stood [213], and whoever enters it is in security. And it is due to Allah from the people to make pilgrimage to the House [214] for those who are able to find a way there [215]. But whoever disbelieves [216], then Allah is independent of the entire worlds.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 97
98. Please declare: "O People of the Scripture, why do you disbelieve in the signs [217] of Allah when Allah is Witness to what you do
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 98
112. Humiliation has been imposed upon them [245] wherever they are. They will find no security [246] except for a rope (covenant) from Allah and a rope (treaty) from people [247]. They have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah, and they will face destruction [248]. This is because they used to reject the signs of Allah and unjustly slay the Prophets [249]. Their fate is a result of their disobedience and transgression.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 112
118. O believers! [258] Do not make strangers your intimate confidants [259], for they will not leave any stone unturned in harming you. They wish you had hardship. Hostility is apparent from their utterances [260] and what they have concealed in their breasts is even greater. We have certainly made clear to you Our signs, if you will use reason.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 118
183. Those who say Allah has given us a promise that we may not believe in any Messenger unless he shows us such a sacrifice which the fire consumes [415]. Please declare: There came to you Messengers before me bearing clear signs [416] and with this order which you are speaking [417]. So why did you kill them, if you are truthful? [418]
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 183
190. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth [433] and in the alteration of the night and the day are signs [434] for men of understanding.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 190
199. And indeed, among the people of the Book are those who believe in Allah [453] and in what has been sent down to you and in what has been sent down to them, humbling themselves before Allah. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price [454]. It is they who will have their reward with their Lord; indeed, Allah is swift in account [455].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 199
1. Holy is He [2] Who carried His Bondsman [3] by night [4] from the Sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque [5], around which We have put blessings [6], that We may show him our grand signs [7]. No doubt, He is the All-Hearing and the All-Seeing [8].
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 1
12. And We made the night and the day as two signs [32], then We blotted out the sign of the night and made the sign of the day bright [33], so that you may seek the bounty of your Lord [34] and that you may know the number of years and the reckoning [35]. We have explained everything in detail [36].
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 12
59. And We did not refrain from sending signs except because the earlier people had denied them [128]. And We gave Thamud the she-camel as a clear sign, but they wronged her [129]. And We do not send signs except to warn [130].
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 59
98. This is their punishment because they rejected [203] Our signs and said, 'When we become bones and broken particles, shall we really be resurrected as a new creation?' [204]
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 98
101. And indeed, We gave Musa [Moses] nine clear signs [210]. So ask the Children of Israel when he came to them, and Firawn [Pharaoh] said to him, "O Musa [Moses], I think you are bewitched" [211].
Surah Name : Al-Isra Surah Number : 17 Ayat Number: 101
35. He said, "We will strengthen your arm through your brother [97] and grant you both authority, [98] so they will not be able to harm you due to Our signs. [99] You two, and those who follow you, will be the victors." [100]
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 35
36. Then when Musa brought them Our clear signs, they said, "This is nothing but fabricated magic, [101] and we have never heard of this among our forefathers." [102]
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 36
47. And if it had not been that a calamity would have struck them for what their own hands have sent before [123], they would have said, "Our Lord, why did You not send us a Messenger so that we might have followed Your signs [124] and become believers [125]?"
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 47
53. And when these signs are recited to them they say, 'We believed in it, indeed, it is the only truth from our Lord. We have already submitted even before [137].
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 53
59. And your Lord does not destroy the cities until He sends in their main city a Messenger [154] who may recite Our signs to them [155], and We do not destroy the cities except when their inhabitants are oppressors [156].
Surah Name : Al-Qasas Surah Number : 28 Ayat Number: 59