17.Indeed, the pious ones are in Paradise and in delight [16]
Surah Name : At-Tur Surah Number : 52 Ayat Number: 17
19. And O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in Paradise [30], and eat from wherever you wish [31], but do not approach this tree [32], lest you become of the wrongdoers [33].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 19
22.Then he caused them to fall into delusion [38]. And when they tasted the tree, their shame [39] became apparent to them, and they began to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise [40]. And their Lord called to them, "Did I not forbid you from that tree [41] and tell you that the devil is indeed your open enemy?" [42]
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 22
27.O children of Adam! Let not the devil deceive you as he expelled your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their shame [51]. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them [52]. We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe [53].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 27
40. Indeed, those who belied Our signs and became arrogant against them, the gates of heaven will not be opened for them [90], nor will they enter Paradise until the camel passes through the eye of a needle [91]. And thus, We punish the guilty.
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 40
42. And those who believe and do good deeds [94], We do not burden anyone beyond their capacity [95]. They are the companions of Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever..
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 42
43.And We have removed whatever rancor is in their hearts [96]. Rivers will flow beneath them, and they will say: "All praise belongs to Allah Who has guided us to this [97]. We could not have found the way if Allah had not guided us. Indeed, the Messengers of our Lord brought the Truth [98]. And it was proclaimed: "This is the Paradise you have inherited as the rewards for your deeds" [99].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 43
44. And the companions of Paradise will call to the companions of Hell [100]: "We have surely achieved what our Lord had promised us to be true. Have you also found what your Lord promised you to be true?" [101] They will say: "Yes." And an announcer will proclaim between them: "The curse of Allah be upon the unjust" [102].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 44
46. And between the two (Heaven and Hell) there shall be a veil [105]. On the Heights [106], there will be men who will recognize both groups by their foreheads [107]. They will call to the companions of Paradise: "Peace be upon you" [108]. They have not yet entered (Paradise), but they are greedy for it [109].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 46
49.Are these the people [112] on whom you would swear that Allah would not bestow His Mercy? [113] It will be said to them: "Enter Paradise. No fear will be upon you, nor shall you grieve" [114].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 49
50. And the inmates of Hell will call upon the dwellers of Paradise to pour to them some benefit of the water [115] or of that which Allah has provided for you as food. They will say: "Surely, Allah has forbidden both of these to the infidels" [116].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 50
6. And will admit them to Paradise that He has made known [18] to them.
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 6
12.Indeed, Allah will make those who believe and do [27] righteous deeds enter Paradise under which streams flow [28], while the infidels subsist 29 and eat as cattle (30) eat, and the fire is their resort (31).
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 12
15. The description of Paradise promised to the pious is that therein are rivers of such waters which never stagnate, and the rivers[35] of milk whose taste does not [36] change, and rivers of delightful (37) drinks, and the rivers of honey purified.(38) And therein for them are every kind of fruit,(39) and forgiveness (40) from their Lord. Can those enjoying such comforts be equal to those who remain forever in the fire, and are given to drink boiling water so that it may cut their bellies into pieces (41)?
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 15
32. Those whose lives are taken by the angels while they are in a state of purity [65], the angels say to them, 'Peace be upon you [66]. Enter Paradise [67] for what you used to do [68].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 32
90. And the heaven (Jannah) shall be brought near to the dutiful [96].
Surah Name : Ash-Shuara Surah Number : 26 Ayat Number: 90
17. There is no binding on the blind[47], and no binding on the lame, and nor is there binding on the sick [48]. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, Allah will admit them into Paradise, underneath which streams flow (49). But whosoever will turn away, he will suffer a painful doom (50)
Surah Name : Al-Fath Surah Number : 48 Ayat Number: 17
43.In the Paradise [44] of delight.
Surah Name : As-Saffat Surah Number : 37 Ayat Number: 43
50. Paradise of eternal living, the gate thereof is open for them[98].
Surah Name : Saad Surah Number : 38 Ayat Number: 50
10.And what reason have you, that you do not spend in the way of Allah, whereas Allah's is the heritage [27] of the heavens and the earth altogether? Those of you who spent and fought [28] before the victory (of Makkah) are not equal to those who spent and fought afterwards. They are exalted in rank [29] more than those who spent and fought afterward [30]. And Allah has promised [31] to all the reward of Paradise. And Allah is Aware of your deeds.
Surah Name : Al-Hadeed Surah Number : 57 Ayat Number: 10