16. We shall accept their good deeds. and overlook[46] their evil deeds. They are among the dwellers of Paradise [47] under the true promise(48) made to them.
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 16
14.They are the inhabitants of Paradise, dwelling eternally therein. as a reward[37] for their deeds.
Surah Name : Al-Ahqaf Surah Number : 46 Ayat Number: 14
22.You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day [70], loving those who act in opposition to Allah and His Messengers. Even though they may be their fathers, or sons, or their brothers, or their kinsmen [71]. These are they in whose hearts He has inscribed (72) faith, and whom He has strenghtened with an inspiration (73) from Him. And He will cause them to enter Paradise (74), beneath which streams flow, to remain there for eternity. Allah is well pleased with them and they are well-pleased (75) with Him. Those are of Allah's party (76). Indeed, The party of Allah is successful.
Surah Name : Al-Mujadilah Surah Number : 58 Ayat Number: 22
12. And He will reward[18] them with gardens and silk garments because they were patient.
Surah Name : Al-Insan Surah Number : 76 Ayat Number: 12
41.Or, do they have associate [43] gods? If they have associate gods, let them bring them, if they are truthful [44].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 41
34. Certainly, those who are pious [34] shall have with their Lord [35], Paradises of Bliss [36].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 34
34. Allah said, "Get out from here, for indeed you are accursed [41]."
Surah Name : Al-Hijr Surah Number : 15 Ayat Number: 34
22. In a lofty Paradise.
Surah Name : Al-Haqqah Surah Number : 69 Ayat Number: 22
40. In Paradise, they shall ask.
Surah Name : Al-Muddaththir Surah Number : 74 Ayat Number: 40
12." And He will give you more wealth and children [19], and will make for you gardens and rivers[20]."
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 12
11. Through a Messenger [42] who recites to you clear [43] verses of Allah, so that He may bring those who believe and act righteously out of darkness into light [44]. And whoever believes [45] in Allah and acts righteously [46], He will admit him to Gardens [47] beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein forever. Allah has certainly prepared for him a beautiful provision [48].
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 11
20. The inmates of the fire and the dwellers of Paradise are not equal [58]. The dwellers of Paradise are those who have attained their goal [59].
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 20
12.In the Paradise of blissfulness.
Surah Name : Al-Waqiah Surah Number : 56 Ayat Number: 12
89. For such one is the comfort and fragrance [81] and Paradise [82] a bliss.
Surah Name : Al-Waqiah Surah Number : 56 Ayat Number: 89
54.Certainly the pious will be amidst Paradise [71] and streams.
Surah Name : Al-Qamar Surah Number : 54 Ayat Number: 54
31. Paradise shall be brought near to the pious, not far [53] off from them.
Surah Name : Qaf Surah Number : 50 Ayat Number: 31
34.(It will be said to them): "Enter into Paradise in peace (58)". This is the Day of Eternity (59).
Surah Name : Qaf Surah Number : 50 Ayat Number: 34
30.Indeed, those who say: "Our Lord[79] is Allah, then remain firm[80] on it, the angels descend upon them saying(81): "Fear not, nor grieve (82) and be glad in Paradise. which you were promised ".(83)
Surah Name : Fussilat Surah Number : 41 Ayat Number: 30
7. And similarly We revealed to you the Arabic Quran so that you may warn thereby the Metropolis of all the cities (Makkah) and those who live around it (11); and you may warn them of the Day of Gathering.Herein there is no doubt (12). A group will be in Paradise and a group will be in Hell (13)
Surah Name : Ash-Shura Surah Number : 42 Ayat Number: 7
22.You shall see the wrongdoers fearful[68] of what they bad earned and it shall fall on them. But, those who believe and do good deeds[69] will be in the meadows (70) of Paradise. They shall have with their Lord whatever they desire(71). This is the great bounty "(72).
Surah Name : Ash-Shura Surah Number : 42 Ayat Number: 22