27. And those who earn evil [81], the retribution for an evil deed is its equivalent, and humiliation will cover them [82]. They will have no protector against Allah [83]; it will be as if their faces are covered with patches of the dark night [84]. It is they who are the inhabitants of Hell, to dwell therein forever [85].
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 27
98. He will lead his people on the Day of Resurrection and bring them into the Fire [199]. How dreadful is the place to which they are led?
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 98
106. Then those who are unfortunate will be in the Fire, where they will hear its roaring and gasping [209].
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 106
119. Except for those on whom your Lord has mercy; and for this He has created them. And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled: I will surely fill Hell with jinn and mankind together [231].
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 119
4. For whom it has been written that who will befriend[8] him, then he will necessarily misguide him and will guide him towards the terment of Hell.
Surah Name : Al-Hajj Surah Number : 22 Ayat Number: 4
66. Indeed, it is an evil abode and a place to stay [116].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 66
65. And those who request, 'O our Lord, avert from us the torment of the Hell; indeed, its torment is inseparable [115].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 65
34. Those who are driven on their faces into Hell will have the worst place and be the most misguided from the path [64].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 34
13.And had We desired, We would have given every soul its guidance [27]. But My word has been already established that I shall necessarily fill the Hell with jinns and people, altogether [28]
Surah Name : As-Sajdah Surah Number : 32 Ayat Number: 13
76. They will enter the gates of Hell [192] to remain therein forever, and wretched is the abode of the boastful transgressors. [193].
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 76
60.And your lord says: "Pray to Me, I shall acknowledge [151] your call. Certainly those who are too proud [152] to worship Me, will soon enter Hell. disgraced (153),
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 60
49. And those in the fire shall say to the keepers of Hell: "Pray [129] to your Lord that He may lighten for us the punishment for a day".
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 49
8. Have you not seen those who were forbidden from holding secret discussions? Yet they return [31] to what they were forbidden and hold secret discussions in sin, transgression, and disobedience [32] to the Messenger. And when they come to you, they greet you with a greeting that Allah has not prescribed [33] for you, and they say to themselves, "Why does Allah not punish [34] us for what we say?" Hell is sufficient for them—they will burn in it, and what an evil end [35] it is.
Surah Name : Al-Mujadilah Surah Number : 58 Ayat Number: 8
43. And indeed, Hell is the promised place for them all [50].
Surah Name : Al-Hijr Surah Number : 15 Ayat Number: 43
36. Nor any food, except pus of Inmate of hell.[42]
Surah Name : Al-Haqqah Surah Number : 69 Ayat Number: 36
32. Verily, it (Hell) sends up sparks like lofty palaces [28].
Surah Name : Al-Mursalat Surah Number : 77 Ayat Number: 32
26. Soon I shall cast him into Hell[19].
Surah Name : Al-Muddaththir Surah Number : 74 Ayat Number: 26
27. And what will make you realize what Hell is?
Surah Name : Al-Muddaththir Surah Number : 74 Ayat Number: 27
24. It will be commanded: "Cast into Hell every ungrateful [41] (soul)."
Surah Name : Qaf Surah Number : 50 Ayat Number: 24
30. On that day We shall say to Hell: "Are you filled [51] up?" It will say: "Are there any more [52]"
Surah Name : Qaf Surah Number : 50 Ayat Number: 30