52. You will come across such people who have a disease in their hearts, and they run towards the Jews and Christians, saying: "We fear lest a misfortune befall us [167]." So perhaps Allah will bring a victory soon or a Commandment from Himself [168], and they will then be regretful for what they had concealed in their hearts [169].
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 52
45. And We (Allah) made obligatory upon them [143], in the Tauraat, a life for a life, and eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear and a tooth for a tooth. And in injuries, there is equitable retaliation [144]. Then whoso recompenses with a happy [145] heart, then that shall be expiation [146] for his sin. And whoso judges not according to what Allah has sent down [147], then they are persons unjust [148].
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 45
41. Some of them say with their mouths: "We believe," but their hearts are not believers [129]. And some of the Jews listen to the falsehood with deep interest and listen very well to other people [130] who have not come to you. They change the words of Allah from their places and say: "If you are given this command, then accept it, but if you are not given it, then be on your guard" [131]. And whoever Allah wishes to misguide, you will never possess (the power to do) anything for him against Allah [132]. Those are the people whose hearts Allah does not intend to purify [133]. For them is a disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter, they will face severe punishment.
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 41
13. So, for their breaking of the covenant [62], We cursed them and made their hearts hard [63]. They distort the words of Allah from their [proper] places [64] and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded. And you will continue to be told of their treachery on their part, except a few of them. So, pardon them and overlook them [65]. Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 13
7. And remember Allah's favour [43] upon you and the covenant which He made with you when you said: "We heard and obeyed" [44] and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah knows the thoughts in your hearts [45].
Surah Name : Al-Maidah Surah Number : 5 Ayat Number: 7
14. Then fight with them. Allah will punish them at your hands and will humiliate them, and He will help [31] you against them and will heal the hearts of the believers [32].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 14
45. Only those who do not believe [130] in Allah and the Last Day ask you for exemption, and their hearts are in doubt [131]. Thus, they waver in their doubts.
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 45
60. The poor due is only for those who are poor and needy, and those who collect [162] it, and for those whose hearts are to be conciliated [163] for Islam, and for the freeing [164] of slaves and for debtors and for spending in the way of Allah [165], and for the traveler [166]. This has been ordained by Allah [167]. And Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 60
64. The hypocrites fear that a Surah (chapter) may be revealed about them, informing them of what is in their hearts [178]. Say, "Mock on [179]; indeed, Allah will bring forth that which you fear [180]."
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 64
77. Therefore, Allah caused hypocrisy to enter into their hearts until the Day they meet Him [213], because they broke what they promised to Allah[214], and because they were lying.
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 77
78. Are they not aware that Allah knows the secret of their hearts and their whispers? And Allah knows of all hidden things [215].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 78
87. They like that they should remain with those who stay behind, and their hearts are sealed [239], so that they understand nothing.
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 87
93. The accountability is only upon those who seek permission from you while they are rich [252]. They preferred to remain behind with the women [253], and Allah has sealed their hearts, so they do not know.
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 93
110. The building, which they have built, will continue to waver [307] in their hearts until their hearts may be cut [308] into pieces. And Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 110
117. No doubt, blessings of Allah are conferred on the Prophet and those emigrants and helpers who sided with him [328] in the hour of hardship, after it was that the hearts of some of them nearly swerved [329] aside. Then He turned [330] towards them with blessings. Indeed, to them He is Most Kind, Most Merciful [331].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 117
125. And as for those in whose hearts there is a disease [357], it has increased [358] them in filth upon filthiness, and they die while they are infidels [359].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 125
127. And whenever any Surah is revealed to them, they begin to look [361] at each other, asking, "Does anyone watch you?" Then they turn away. Allah has left their hearts because they are a people who do not understand [362].
Surah Name : At-Tawbah Surah Number : 9 Ayat Number: 127
37. 'O my Lord, I have settled some of my descendants in a valley [82] with no cultivation near Your sacred house [83]. My Lord, that they may establish prayer [84], so make hearts from among people inclined towards them [85], and provide them with fruits [86], that they may give thanks.'
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 37
43. hey will come out running [95], with their heads raised high, their gaze unreturning [96], and their hearts will be void [97].
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 43
54. And if every unjust soul [152] had all that is in the earth, it would surely ransom itself with it. And they were secretly ashamed [153] in their hearts when they saw the punishment. And it was decided between them with justice [154], and they will not be wronged.
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 54