29. Nay, the unjust follow their own desires without knowledge [59]. Then, who will guide such a person, whom Allah has led astray [60]? And they have no helpers (61),
Surah Name : Ar-Rum Surah Number : 30 Ayat Number: 29
4. And We did not send any messenger except with the language of his own people [8] so that he may make things clear to them [9]. Then Allah leads astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills, and He is the Almighty, the Wise.
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 4
27. Allah keeps firm the believers with the steadfast word in the worldly life and the Hereafter [62]. Allah leads astray the wrongdoers [63] and does whatever He wills.
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 27
30. And they have set up rivals for Allah [66] to lead others astray from His path. Say, "Enjoy yourselves for a while, for indeed your end is the Fire."
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 30
36. 'My Lord, verily the idols have led astray many people [79], so whoever follows me is surely from me [80], and whoever disobeys me, indeed You are Most Forgiving, Most Merciful [81].'
Surah Name : Ibrahim Surah Number : 14 Ayat Number: 36
88. Musa said, "O Lord! You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of this world [232]. O our Lord! That they may lead people astray [233] from Your Path. O our Lord! Destroy their wealth and harden their hearts [234], so they will not believe until they see the painful punishment [235]."
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 88
108. Please declare: "O people! The truth has come from your Lord [276]. So whoever is guided is only guided for himself [277], and whoever goes astray, goes astray only to his own loss [278]. And I am not a guardian over you [279]."
Surah Name : Yunus Surah Number : 10 Ayat Number: 108
34. And my advice will not benefit you if I desire to advise you, while Allah wills to lead you astray [75]. He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned [76].
Surah Name : Hud Surah Number : 11 Ayat Number: 34
44. Or do you think that most of them hear and understand? [80] They are not but like cattle; nay, but they are even more astray from the path. [81].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 44
42. "It was near that he would have made us astray from our gods if we had not preserved them" [76]. Now they wish to know, the day when they shall see the torment, who was astray from the path [77].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 42
29. Indeed, he led me astray from the admonition after it had come to me. And Satan leaves man in despair [55].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 29
17. And the Day He will gather them and those they worshipped besides Allah [30], He will ask those deities, "Did you lead these servants of Mine astray, or did they themselves stray from the path?" [31]
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 17
9. (O beloved prophet), observe the kinds of comparisons they are making about you; as a result, they have gone astray [20]. Now they cannot find any path [21].
Surah Name : Al-Furqan Surah Number : 25 Ayat Number: 9
30.That is the utmost limit of their knowledge. Surely, your Lord Knows well who went astray from His way, and He Knows the one who follows the right guidance [35].
Surah Name : An-Najm Surah Number : 53 Ayat Number: 30
2. Your companion (Muhammad) has not strayed, nor has he erred [3].
Surah Name : An-Najm Surah Number : 53 Ayat Number: 2
1.O believers! Do not take My enemy and your enemy as friends [1], would you offer them love while they deny what truth has come to you [2]; driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah as your Lord [3]? If you go out struggling hard in My Path and seeking My Pleasure [4], take them not as friends. You send them a secret message of love [5], while I know well what you conceal and what you reveal [6]. And whoever of you does this, has indeed gone astray from the Straight Path [7].
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 1
7.Indeed, your Lord best knows him who goes astray from His way, and He best knows the followers [7] of the right guidance.
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 7
8.What! Will he whose evil deeds appear fair to him, so much so, that he considers them good, be like him who is guided [24]? Allah leaves such one go astray as He Pleases and guides whom He pleases. So do not waste yourself in grief [25] for them. Allah Knows well what they do.
Surah Name : Fatir Surah Number : 35 Ayat Number: 8
39. He said, "My Lord, because You have led me astray, I will surely make disobedience attractive to them on the earth, and I will surely mislead all of them [45]."
Surah Name : Al-Hijr Surah Number : 15 Ayat Number: 39
7. The path of those whom You have favored. Not those who have earned Your anger [9] and nor of those who have gone astray.
Surah Name : Al-Fatihah Surah Number : 1 Ayat Number: 7