Quran Quote  : 

Quran Ayat (Verses) regarding Astray(Word)

In this section, readers can explore a curated collection of Quranic verses regarding Astray(Word). The verses have been carefully arranged to provide easy access and convenience, allowing readers to delve into the spiritual guidance and wisdom imparted by the Quran concerning Quranic ayat about Astray(Word). Spanning across various chapters of the Quran, we have tried our best to arrange them into subcategories as well, making it easier for anyone seeking specific information about Quranic verses regarding Astray(Word). So, let's see what the Quran has to say about Astray(Word) in Islam in various parts of the holy Quran.

بَلِ ٱتَّبَعَ ٱلَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوٓاْ أَهۡوَآءَهُم بِغَيۡرِ عِلۡمٖۖ فَمَن يَهۡدِي مَنۡ أَضَلَّ ٱللَّهُۖ وَمَا لَهُم مِّن نَّـٰصِرِينَ

29. Nay, the unjust follow their own desires without knowledge (59). Then, who will guide such a person, whom Allah has led astray (60)? And they have no helpers (61),

Surah Name : Ar-Rum   Surah Number : 30   Ayat Number: 29

وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا مِن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا بِلِسَانِ قَوۡمِهِۦ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَهُمۡۖ فَيُضِلُّ ٱللَّهُ مَن يَشَآءُ وَيَهۡدِي مَن يَشَآءُۚ وَهُوَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡحَكِيمُ

4. And, We have sent messengers in (8) the language of his own people that he may tell them clearly (9). Then Allah leads astray whomsoever He will and guides whomsoever He will, and He is the Honourable, the Wise.

Surah Name : Ibrahim   Surah Number : 14   Ayat Number: 4

يُثَبِّتُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ بِٱلۡقَوۡلِ ٱلثَّابِتِ فِي ٱلۡحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنۡيَا وَفِي ٱلۡأٓخِرَةِۖ وَيُضِلُّ ٱللَّهُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَۚ وَيَفۡعَلُ ٱللَّهُ مَا يَشَآءُ

27. Allah keeps firm the believers on the right word in the life of the world and the Hereafter (62), and Allah leads astray the wrong doers (63), and Allah does what pleases.

Surah Name : Ibrahim   Surah Number : 14   Ayat Number: 27

وَجَعَلُواْ لِلَّهِ أَندَادٗا لِّيُضِلُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِهِۦۗ قُلۡ تَمَتَّعُواْ فَإِنَّ مَصِيرَكُمۡ إِلَى ٱلنَّارِ

30. And they have set up equals for Allah (66) that they might lead astray from his path. Say you; 'enjoy a little verily your end is the fire.'

Surah Name : Ibrahim   Surah Number : 14   Ayat Number: 30

رَبِّ إِنَّهُنَّ أَضۡلَلۡنَ كَثِيرٗا مِّنَ ٱلنَّاسِۖ فَمَن تَبِعَنِي فَإِنَّهُۥ مِنِّيۖ وَمَنۡ عَصَانِي فَإِنَّكَ غَفُورٞ رَّحِيمٞ

36. 'My Lord, verily the idols have led astray many people (79), then who sided with me, is from me (80) and who disobeyed me, so surely you are most Forgiving and Merciful (81).

Surah Name : Ibrahim   Surah Number : 14   Ayat Number: 36

وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰ رَبَّنَآ إِنَّكَ ءَاتَيۡتَ فِرۡعَوۡنَ وَمَلَأَهُۥ زِينَةٗ وَأَمۡوَٰلٗا فِي ٱلۡحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنۡيَا رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِكَۖ رَبَّنَا ٱطۡمِسۡ عَلَىٰٓ أَمۡوَٰلِهِمۡ وَٱشۡدُدۡ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمۡ فَلَا يُؤۡمِنُواْ حَتَّىٰ يَرَوُاْ ٱلۡعَذَابَ ٱلۡأَلِيمَ

88. And Musa submitted: "O Lord! You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and wealth in the life of the world (232), O our Lord! That they may lead people astray (233). from Your Path. O our Lord! Destroy their wealth and harden their hearts (234), so that they may not believe until they see the painful punishment (235).

Surah Name : Yunus   Surah Number : 10   Ayat Number: 88

قُلۡ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ قَدۡ جَآءَكُمُ ٱلۡحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكُمۡۖ فَمَنِ ٱهۡتَدَىٰ فَإِنَّمَا يَهۡتَدِي لِنَفۡسِهِۦۖ وَمَن ضَلَّ فَإِنَّمَا يَضِلُّ عَلَيۡهَاۖ وَمَآ أَنَا۠ عَلَيۡكُم بِوَكِيلٖ

108. Please declare: "O people! The truth has come from your Lord (276), Then whoever came right, he came right for his own good (277), and whoever went astray, strayed (278) against himself. And I am not a guardian over you (279).

Surah Name : Yunus   Surah Number : 10   Ayat Number: 108

وَلَا يَنفَعُكُمۡ نُصۡحِيٓ إِنۡ أَرَدتُّ أَنۡ أَنصَحَ لَكُمۡ إِن كَانَ ٱللَّهُ يُرِيدُ أَن يُغۡوِيَكُمۡۚ هُوَ رَبُّكُمۡ وَإِلَيۡهِ تُرۡجَعُونَ

34. And my admonition will not profit you. If I desire good to you, whilst Allah desires you to go astray (75). he is your Lord and to Him you shall return. (76).

Surah Name : Hud   Surah Number : 11   Ayat Number: 34

أَمۡ تَحۡسَبُ أَنَّ أَكۡثَرَهُمۡ يَسۡمَعُونَ أَوۡ يَعۡقِلُونَۚ إِنۡ هُمۡ إِلَّا كَٱلۡأَنۡعَٰمِ بَلۡ هُمۡ أَضَلُّ سَبِيلًا

44. Or do you think that most of them hear and understand? (80). They are not but like cattle, nay, but they are the worst astray from the path (81).

Surah Name : Al-Furqan   Surah Number : 25   Ayat Number: 44

إِن كَادَ لَيُضِلُّنَا عَنۡ ءَالِهَتِنَا لَوۡلَآ أَن صَبَرۡنَا عَلَيۡهَاۚ وَسَوۡفَ يَعۡلَمُونَ حِينَ يَرَوۡنَ ٱلۡعَذَابَ مَنۡ أَضَلُّ سَبِيلًا

42. It was near that he would have made us astray from our gods if we had not preserved them (76). Now they wish to know, the day when they shall see the torment of that who was astray from the path (77).

Surah Name : Al-Furqan   Surah Number : 25   Ayat Number: 42

لَّقَدۡ أَضَلَّنِي عَنِ ٱلذِّكۡرِ بَعۡدَ إِذۡ جَآءَنِيۗ وَكَانَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنُ لِلۡإِنسَٰنِ خَذُولٗا

29. Undoubtedly, he led me astray from the admonition after it had come to me. And Satan will leave men deserted (55).

Surah Name : Al-Furqan   Surah Number : 25   Ayat Number: 29

وَيَوۡمَ يَحۡشُرُهُمۡ وَمَا يَعۡبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ فَيَقُولُ ءَأَنتُمۡ أَضۡلَلۡتُمۡ عِبَادِي هَـٰٓؤُلَآءِ أَمۡ هُمۡ ضَلُّواْ ٱلسَّبِيلَ

17. And the Day He will assemble them and those they worshipped besides Allah (30), then He will say to those gods Have you led these bondmen of Mine astray or they themselves strayed away from the path (31).

Surah Name : Al-Furqan   Surah Number : 25   Ayat Number: 17

ٱنظُرۡ كَيۡفَ ضَرَبُواْ لَكَ ٱلۡأَمۡثَٰلَ فَضَلُّواْ فَلَا يَسۡتَطِيعُونَ سَبِيلٗا

9. O beloved; see what kind of similitude they are coining for you, therefore, they have gone astray (20) Now they cannot find anyway (21).

Surah Name : Al-Furqan   Surah Number : 25   Ayat Number: 9

ذَٰلِكَ مَبۡلَغُهُم مِّنَ ٱلۡعِلۡمِۚ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعۡلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِۦ وَهُوَ أَعۡلَمُ بِمَنِ ٱهۡتَدَىٰ

30.That is the utmost limit of their knowledge. Surely, your Lord Knows well who went astray from His way, and He Knows the one who follows the right guidance (35).

Surah Name : An-Najm   Surah Number : 53   Ayat Number: 30

مَا ضَلَّ صَاحِبُكُمۡ وَمَا غَوَىٰ

2. Your companion (Muhammad) has not strayed, nor was he misled (3).

Surah Name : An-Najm   Surah Number : 53   Ayat Number: 2

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لَا تَتَّخِذُواْ عَدُوِّي وَعَدُوَّكُمۡ أَوۡلِيَآءَ تُلۡقُونَ إِلَيۡهِم بِٱلۡمَوَدَّةِ وَقَدۡ كَفَرُواْ بِمَا جَآءَكُم مِّنَ ٱلۡحَقِّ يُخۡرِجُونَ ٱلرَّسُولَ وَإِيَّاكُمۡ أَن تُؤۡمِنُواْ بِٱللَّهِ رَبِّكُمۡ إِن كُنتُمۡ خَرَجۡتُمۡ جِهَٰدٗا فِي سَبِيلِي وَٱبۡتِغَآءَ مَرۡضَاتِيۚ تُسِرُّونَ إِلَيۡهِم بِٱلۡمَوَدَّةِ وَأَنَا۠ أَعۡلَمُ بِمَآ أَخۡفَيۡتُمۡ وَمَآ أَعۡلَنتُمۡۚ وَمَن يَفۡعَلۡهُ مِنكُمۡ فَقَدۡ ضَلَّ سَوَآءَ ٱلسَّبِيلِ

1.0 believers (1)! Do not take My enemy and your enemy as friends (2), Would you offer them love while they deny what truth has come to you (3); driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah as your Lord (4)? If you go out struggling hard in My Path and seeking My Pleasure(5), take them not as friends. You send them a secret message of love (6), while I know well what you conceal and what you reveal (7). And whoever of you do this, he has indeed gone astray from the Straight Path.(8)

Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah   Surah Number : 60   Ayat Number: 1

إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعۡلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِۦ وَهُوَ أَعۡلَمُ بِٱلۡمُهۡتَدِينَ

7.Indeed, your Lord best knows him who goes astray from His way, and He best knows the followers (7) of the right guidance.

Surah Name : Al-Qalam   Surah Number : 68   Ayat Number: 7

أَفَمَن زُيِّنَ لَهُۥ سُوٓءُ عَمَلِهِۦ فَرَءَاهُ حَسَنٗاۖ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُضِلُّ مَن يَشَآءُ وَيَهۡدِي مَن يَشَآءُۖ فَلَا تَذۡهَبۡ نَفۡسُكَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ حَسَرَٰتٍۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلِيمُۢ بِمَا يَصۡنَعُونَ

8.What! Will he whose evil deeds appear fair to him, so much so, that he considers them good, be like him who is guided (24)? Allah leaves such one go astray as He Pleases and guides whom He pleases. So do not waste yourself in grief (25) for them. Allah Knows well what they do.

Surah Name : Fatir   Surah Number : 35   Ayat Number: 8

قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَآ أَغۡوَيۡتَنِي لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَلَأُغۡوِيَنَّهُمۡ أَجۡمَعِينَ

39. He said, 'O my Lord, I swear that you led me astray, I will deceive(45) them in the earth, and certainly I will mislead all of them.

Surah Name : Al-Hijr   Surah Number : 15   Ayat Number: 39

صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ

7. The path of those whom You have favoured. Not those who have earned Your anger (9) and nor of those who have gone astray.

Surah Name : Al-Fatihah   Surah Number : 1   Ayat Number: 7

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