13."What is the matter with you, that you do not hope [21] for honor from Allah?"
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 13
15. "Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens, one above the other in perfect harmony [23]?"
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 15
17."And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth like vegetation [26]."
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 17
19. "And Allah has made for you the earth a carpet [29]."
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 19
25. And because of their wrongdoings they were drowned, then made to enter the fire [38]. So they did not find any helpers except Allah [39].
Surah Name : Nuh Surah Number : 71 Ayat Number: 25
1. O Prophet[1] (Communicator of the hidden news), when your people divorce your women, divorce them for their prescribed (2) time, and calculate the prescribed(3) period and fear( 4) Allah your Lord. Do not expel (5) them out of their houses, nor should they themselves leave (6), unless they commit an open indecency (7). These are the limits (8) of Allah. And whoever goes beyond the limits(8) of Allah, he indeed does injustice to his own soul. You do not know that Allah may after this send a new command (9).
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 1
2. Then when they reach their prescribed term (IDDAT) keep them with kindness (10) or separate (11) from them with kindness, and call the witness, two (12) just persons from among you, and set up witness (13) for Allah. With this one is warned who believes (14) in Allah and the Last Day. And whoever fears (15) Allah, He will make a way for his deliverance (16).
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 2
3. And He will provide him sustenance from where he does not even imagine [17]. And whoever places his trust [18] in Allah, then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His command. Allah has certainly set a measure [19] for everything.
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 3
4. Those of your women who have no hope of (monthly) menstruation course, and in case you have a doubt (20), their prescribed period (for divorce) is three months, and for those too who have not had their courses (21). And for the pregnant women their prescribed (22) time is that they lay down their burden (23) (give birth.) And whosoever fears Allah, He will make easy for him his affairs (24),
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 4
5.That is the Command of Allah, which He has revealed [25] to you, and whosoever fears Allah, He will remove from them evil and give increased reward [26],
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 5
7.Let him who has abundance of means provide according to his means [34], and whoever has limited means of subsistence, let him provide from that which Allah has bestowed [35] upon him. Allah does not burden any soul beyond what He has given it [36]. Allah will bring ease [37] after difficulty.
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 7
10.Allah has prepared for them a severe [41] punishment. So fear Allah, O people of understanding, who believe! Indeed, Allah has sent to you a reminder.
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 10
11. Through a Messenger [42] who recites to you clear [43] verses of Allah, so that He may bring those who believe and act righteously out of darkness into light [44]. And whoever believes [45] in Allah and acts righteously [46], He will admit him to Gardens [47] beneath which rivers flow, to abide therein forever. Allah has certainly prepared for him a beautiful provision [48].
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 11
12.It is Allah who created seven heavens, and the same number of earths like [49] them. His command descends between them [50], that you may know that Allah has power [51] over all things and that Allah encompasses [52] all things in His knowledge.
Surah Name : At-Talaq Surah Number : 65 Ayat Number: 12
1. Whatever is in the heavens [1] and whatever is in the earth glorifies Allah, and He is the Most Honourable, the Most Wise [2].
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 1
2.It is He who expelled (Jews) the infidels (3) of the people of the Book (4) from their homes at the first (5) assembly. You did not think (6) that they would go forth; while they were certain that their fortresses would defend (7) them against Allah. But Allah came upon them from where they did not expect (8), and filled their hearts with terror. They demolished their houses with their own hands (9), and the hands of the believers (10). Therefore, take a lesson, O you men of vision (11)
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 2
3. And certainly, had it not been that Allah had decreed for them the exile, He would certainly have punished [12] them in this world. But in the Hereafter they would have the punishment of the fire [13].
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 3
4.That is because they opposed [14] Allah and His Messenger. And whoever acts in opposition to Allah, and then surely, Allah is severe [15] in retribution.
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 4
5. The palm tree you (Muhammad) cut down or left standing upon its roots (16), it was by the Command of Allah. And He will disgrace the infidels.
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 5
6. And whatever Allah gave to his Messenger as the booties, you neither urged to get a horse nor a camel [17] for that, but Allah grants authority to His Messenger [18] against whom He pleases. And Allah has Power over everything (19),
Surah Name : Al-Hashr Surah Number : 59 Ayat Number: 6