73. And do not trust except those who follow your religion [153]. Say: "Surely, the true guidance is the guidance of Allah, so what has been given to you [154] may also be given to others, or they may dispute it before your Lord." Say: "All bounty is in the Hand of Allah alone. He gives it to whom He pleases [155]. Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 73
74. He chooses for His mercy whomever He wills [156]. And Allah is the Possessor of great bounty.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 74
75. And among the People of the Scripture is he who, if you entrust him with a great amount of wealth, will return it to you [157], and among them is one who, if you entrust him with a single dinar, will not repay it to you except when you remain standing over him [158]. That is because they say: "There is no accountability over us in the matter of the illiterates." And they utter a lie against Allah knowingly [160].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 75
76. But yes, whoso fulfils his pledge[161] and fears Allah. Surely Allah loves those who are pious.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 76
77. Those who exchange the covenant of Allah and their oaths for a small price [162], they will have no share in the Hereafter. And Allah will neither speak to them nor look at them [163] on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them, and for them is a painful punishment [164].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 77
78. And among them are some who twist their tongues with the Book [166] so that you may think it is from the Book [167], but it is not from the Book. And they say: "It is from Allah," but it is not from Allah. And they utter a lie against Allah knowingly [168].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 78
79. It is not for any human [169] that Allah should give him the Book, the Command, and Prophethood, and then he should say to the people: "Become my servants [170] instead of Allah." Rather, he should say: "Be [devotees] of your Lord [171], because of what you teach from the Book [172] and what you study."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 79
81. And recall when Allah took from the Prophets their covenant [175]—whatever I should give you of the Scripture and wisdom—then comes [176] to you the Messenger confirming what is with you [177]. Then you shall surely believe[178] in him and help him[179] . Allah said: "Do you agree and take this as My firm covenant, binding upon you?" They said: "We agree[180]" . Then Allah said: "Then be witnesses, and I am with you among the witnesses" .
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 81
83. Then do they like a religion [182] other than the religion of Allah? While whatever is in the heavens and the earth [183] willingly and unwillingly [184]submits to Him, and unto Him shall they return?
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 83
84. Please declare: "We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and in that which was sent down to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub, and the Tribes [185], and whatever was given to Musa and Isa and the Prophets from their Lord [186]. We make no distinction between any of them [187], and we are Muslims [188] to Him."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 84
86. How [190] shall Allah guide such people [191] who disbelieved [192] after believing and bearing witness that the Messenger is true and to whom had come clear proofs. And Allah guides not the unjust [193].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 86
87. Their retribution is a curse from Allah and of angels and of people, all together [194],
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 87
89. Except for those who repent thereafter and amend [197] themselves. Indeed, Allah is the Most Forgiving, Ever Merciful [198].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 89
92. You shall never attain [203] righteousness until you spend your favourite [204] things (in the path of Allah). And whatever you spend, is known to Allah [205].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 92
94. Those who forge a lie against Allah after this, they are indeed persons unjust [208].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 94
95. Please declare (O Prophet Muhammad): "Allah speaks the truth. So follow the religion of Ebrahim, who was separate from every falsehood [209], and was never from the polytheists."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 95
97. Therein are clear signs [212], the place where Ebrahim (Abraham) stood [213], and whoever enters it is in security. And it is due to Allah from the people to make pilgrimage to the House [214] for those who are able to find a way there [215]. But whoever disbelieves [216], then Allah is independent of the entire worlds.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 97
98. Please declare: "O People of the Scripture, why do you disbelieve in the signs [217] of Allah when Allah is Witness to what you do
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 98
99. Please declare (O Beloved Prophet): "O People of the Book, why do you hinder those who have accepted the faith [218] from the path of Allah, desiring to make it seem crooked, while you are yourselves witnesses thereof [219]? And Allah is not unaware of your doings [220]."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 99
101. How can you disbelieve when Allah's verses are being recited to you and His Messenger is among you [223]? Whoever seeks support from Allah [224] is guided to the Straight Path [225].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 101