28. Those whose lives are taken by the angels [55] while they were wronging [56] themselves, will then offer submission, saying, "We were not doing any evil" [57]. Yes, indeed. Allah is All-Knowing of what you used to do [58].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 28
33. What are they waiting for [69] except that the angels should come to them, or the command of your Lord should come? Thus did those before them [70]. And Allah did not wrong them, but they wronged their own souls [71].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 33
35. And those who associate partners with Allah said [73], "Had Allah willed, we would not have worshipped anything besides Him—neither we nor our forefathers—nor would we have forbidden anything apart from Him." Thus did those before them [74]. Then, is there upon the messengers anything except the clear conveyance [75]?
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 35
36. And We certainly sent a messenger to every nation, saying, "Worship Allah [77] and avoid false gods." Some of them Allah guided, and others had the decree of misguidance fulfilled upon them [78]. So travel through the earth and see [79] how was the end of those who denied [80].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 36
37. If you are eager for their guidance [81], then indeed Allah does not guide those whom He causes to stray [82], and they have no helpers [83].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 37
38. And they swear by Allah with the utmost sincerity of their oaths that Allah will not resurrect the dead. Yes, indeed—[84] it is a true promise from Him, but most people do not know.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 38
41. And those who emigrated for the sake of Allah after they had been oppressed [87], We will certainly grant them a good place in this world [88]. And the reward of the Hereafter is far greater [89], if only they knew.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 41
45. Do those who devise evil plans [95] not fear that Allah may cause the earth to swallow them [96] or that punishment may come to them from where they do not perceive?
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 45
48. Have they not seen what Allah has created, how their shadows incline to the right [100] and the left, prostrating to Allah, while they are humbled before Him [102]?
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 48
49. And to Allah prostrate whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth, including the creatures and the angels, and they are not arrogant [103].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 49
51. And Allah has said [105], "Take not two gods; He is only One God. So fear Me alone [106]."
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 51
52. And whatever is in the heavens and the earth [107] belongs to Allah, and obedience to Him is incumbent [108]. Will you then fear anyone other than Allah?
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 52
53. And whatever blessing you have is from Allah [109]. Then, when adversity touches you, you cry out to Him for help.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 53
56. And they assign a portion of what We have provided [111] them to things they have no knowledge of [112]. By Allah, you will surely be questioned about what you used to fabricate [113].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 56
57. And they attribute daughters to Allah [114] — Glory be to Him! — and for themselves, they desire what they wish [115].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 57
60. The conditions of those who do not believe in the hereafter are bad [121], and the Glory of Allah is the Loftiest [122], And He is the Most Powerful and the Most Wise.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 60
61. And if Allah would have [123] taken them for their wrongdoings, then He would have left no [124] crawling creature on earth, but He defers them till a fixed time [125]; then when their time comes, they cannot remain behind a single hour, nor can they go ahead of it [126].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 61
62. And appoint for Allah what they themselves dislike [127], and their tongues lie, saying that they will have the best [128]. There is no doubt that for them is the Fire [129], and they are those who have crossed the limits.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 62
63. By Allah [130], indeed, We sent messengers to nations before you, but Satan made their deeds seem pleasing to them [131]; so today, he is their companion, and for them is a painful punishment [132].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 63
65. And Allah sent down water from the sky [135], giving life to the earth after its death. Indeed, in that is a sign for those who listen [136].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 65