21.And those who uphold what Allah has commanded to be joined [62], and fear their Lord [63], and fear the evil reckoning [64].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 21
25. And those who break [72] the covenant of Allah after its confirmation, and sever [73] what Allah has commanded to be joined, and cause corruption in the land [74], those will have the curse upon them, and for them is the evil abode.
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 25
26. Allah extends the provision for whom He wills and restricts. And they rejoice in the life of this world [75], but the life of this world is nothing in comparison to the Hereafter except a brief enjoyment [76].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 26
27. And the infidels say, "Why is not a sign from his Lord sent down to him [77]?" Say, "Allah leads astray whomsoever He wills, and guides towards Him one who turns to Him [78]."
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 27
28. They are those who have believed and their hearts find satisfaction with the remembrance of Allah [79]. Behold, in the remembrance of Allah alone there is the satisfaction of hearts [80].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 28
31. If there had been a Qur'an by which mountains could be moved or the earth could be cut asunder or the dead could be spoken to, even then the disbelievers [85] would not have believed. But the entire affair is in the authority of Allah. Did not those who believe become disheartened that if Allah had willed, He would have guided [86] all the people? And calamities will continue to strike [87] the disbelievers for what they have done, or it will alight near their homes [88] until Allah's promise comes [89]. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise.
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 31
33. Is then he who watches over every soul for what it has earned [91]? And yet they ascribe to Allah associates [92]. Say, "Name them!" Or do you inform Him of what is not in His knowledge in the earth [93] or with an apparent saying? Rather, their deception has been made to look good in the eyes of the disbelievers [94], and they have been hindered from the way. And he whom Allah leads astray has no guide [95].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 33
34. They shall have a punishment[96], in the life of this world. And the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe. And they have none to defend them from Allah [97].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 34
35. The example of the Garden which the righteous have been promised [98], beneath which rivers flow. Its fruits are everlasting [99] and its shade [100]. This is the end of those who fear Allah, and the end of the disbelievers is the Fire [101].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 35
36. And those whom We have given the Book [102] rejoice at what has been sent to you [103]. Some who deny a part thereof [104]. Say, "I am only commanded [105] to worship Allah and not to ascribe associates to Him. To Him, I call. And to Him is my return."
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 36
37. And thus We have sent it down as a decision in Arabic [106]. And if you follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge [107], then you shall have no supporter [108] nor defender against Allah.
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 37
39. Allah erases [112] what He wills and affirms [113] what He wills, and with Him is the Mother of the Book [114].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 39
41. Do they not see that We are coming, diminishing the earth from its edges [114]? And Allah judges. There is none to reverse [115] His command, and He is swift in reckoning [116].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 41
42. And those before them had already plotted [117], but all plotting belongs to Allah [118]. He knows what every soul earns. And the disbelievers will soon know to whom belongs the final abode [119].
Surah Name : Ar-Rad Surah Number : 13 Ayat Number: 42
8. Allah none to be worshipped but He. His are all good names. [8]
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 8
14. Verily I am Allah there is none worthy of worship but Me, so worship Me and establish Prayer for My remembrance [15].
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 14
46. Allah said, 'I am with you Hearing and Seeing [50].
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 46
61. Musa said to them, woe be to you, forge not a lie against Allah [73] that He may destroy you by torment and indeed, he who forged a lie remained unsuccessful'. [74]
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 61
73. Indeed, we believed in our Lord that He might forgive our sins [94] and also that to which you forced us on magic. [95] and Allah is the Best and Most Lasting.(96)
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 73
98. Your God is only Allah beside whom none to be worshipped. His knowledge encompasses everything.[140].
Surah Name : Ta-Ha Surah Number : 20 Ayat Number: 98