79.It is Allah Who has made for you. the cattle, that you may ride on some and eat the meat [200] of others.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 79
78. And certainly We sent many Messengers before you (0 Muhammad). But, there are some of them whom We have mentioned (196) to you, and there are some whom We have not mentioned to you (197), And it is not for any Messenger that he should bring any argument without Allah's permission (198). But when Command of Allah comes, the matter is justly decided, and then the people of falsehood and vanity shall remain losers (199) in grief.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 78
77. So you should be patient [194] Surely, the promise of Allah is true. Then whether We let you see something of what We have promised them or should We cause you to die before (195.) In any case, they are to return to Us.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 77
74. Besides Allah?" They will say: They are lost [187] away from us, but rather we never worshipped [188] anything before". Thus, Allah leaves the infidels (189) confused.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 74
73. Then it will be said to them: Where are those gone, who used to associate partners [186] with Allah?"-
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 73
69. Have you seen those who dispute [181] in the signs of Allah? How do they Turn [182] away?
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 69
66. Please declare: "I have been forbidden [168] to worship those whom you worship besides [169] Allah, since clear (170) arguments have come to me from My Lord. And I have been commanded to submit (171) only to the Lord of the all the worlds.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 66
65.He is Ever Living [166], None is to be worshipped except Him. So, worship Him. being sincere [167] only to Him in the religion. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 65
64.Allah is He Who made the earth for you a resting [161] place and the sky as the roof [162] and shaped you. then made your shapes perfect (163) and provided (164) you good things. such is Allah, your lord. So, blessed is Allah, the Lord all the worlds (165).
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 64
63.Thus, turned away those who deny [160] the Signs of Allah.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 63
62.Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator [158] of everything. None is worthy of worship except He. Where are you turning [159] away?
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 62
61.It is Allah Who has made for you night that you may get rest [154] in it.and He made the day, enabling you see [155], Surely, Allah is Bounteous to (156) mankind , but most of mankind is ungrateful (157).
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 61
56. Surely, those who dispute [142] oncerning the signs of Allah, without any authority they may have got, there is nothing in their hearts, but an ambition [143] of greatness, to which they shall not reach (144), So, you ask refuge with Allah. Certainly, He is All Hearing, All Seeing (145)
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 56
55. Therefore (dear Prophet), be steadfast. Surely, the promise of Allah is true (139). And ask forgiveness (140) for your (followers') from your Lord, praising Him in the morning and in the evening (141),
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 55
48. Those who were boastful will say: "We are all [127] in it". Surely, Allah has already judged between His servants [128].
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 48
45. So, Allah saved [119] him from the evils [120] of their plot, and an evil punishment surrounded (121) the people of Pharaoh.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 45
44."You shall soon [117] remember when the time comes as to what I say to you. And I entrust [118] my affairs to Allah. Allah sees all His devotees".
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 44
43."Surely, that to which you call me of no use anywhere, neither in this world [115], nor in the Hereafter, and that our return is towards [116] Allah, and the transgressors are the inmates of the Fire".
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 43
42 You call me that should disbelieve in Allah and associate with Him that which I have no knowledge of [113], while I invite [114] you towards the Honourable, the Great Forgiver"
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 42
35. Those who dispute [93] concerning the signs of Allah, without any authority[94] received by them, it is greatly hateful to Allah and to the believers. (95)Thus Allah seals the (96) heart of all the boastful and the arrogant ones.
Surah Name : Ghafir Surah Number : 40 Ayat Number: 35