9. O our Lord! Surely, You are the assembler of all [16] people on the Day in which there is no doubt. Surely, Allah does not break [17] His promise.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 9
10. Surely, those who disbelieve, never will their wealth nor their children avail them against Allah [18], and they shall be the fuel for the Fire.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 10
11. (Their fate will be) like the people of Pharaoh and those before them. They denied Our Verses [19], so Allah seized them for their sins. And Allah is severe in punishment.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 11
13. Indeed, there has been for you a sign in the two armies themselves [22] which met (in combat at Badr). One army, fighting in the cause of Allah, and another army of disbelievers [23]. They (disbelievers) saw with their own eyesight [24]. But Allah supports with His victory whom He pleases. Surely, in it is a lesson for the men of understanding [25].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 13
14. Beautified for people is the love of the lusts [26] of women and children, and heaped-up wealth of gold and silver, fine branded horses, cattle, and crops. These are all the provisions of the worldly life [27]. And it is Allah with Whom is the best abode [28].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 14
15. Say (O Prophet): "Shall I inform you of something better than that? For the pious, with their Lord, there will be gardens [29] underneath which rivers flow [30], wherein they will abide eternally with pure wives [31] and Allah's pleasure [32]. And, verily, Allah is seeing His devotees."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 15
17. They are the steadfast, the obedient, and the humble; those who spend (in the way of Allah) and those who seek forgiveness in the early hours of the morning [34].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 17
19. Surely, the true Religion by Allah is Islam [37]. And those who were given the Scripture did not dissent [38] except after the knowledge had come to them [39] because of their hearts burning [40]. And whoever denies the verses of Allah, then surely Allah is swift [41] in (taking) account.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 19
20. Then (O Prophet), if they argue with you, please declare: "I have submitted myself to Allah [42] and those who followed me [43]." And please declare to those given the Scripture [44] and to the unlettered: "Have you submitted?" Then, if they submit (in Islam), they are rightly guided [45]. But if they turn away their faces, then your duty is only to convey the Message [46]. And, surely, Allah is seeing His devotees.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 20
21. Those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah [47] and kill the Prophets unjustly and kill those [48] who order justice from among the people, give them the tidings of a painful punishment.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 21
23. Have you not seen (O Muhammad) those who were given a portion of the Scripture? They are invited to the Scripture of Allah [50] that it may judge between them. Then a party of them turns back and declines.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 23
26. Please declare (O Beloved Prophet) [54]: "O my Allah, You are the Master of all sovereignties. You give sovereignty [55] to whom You please, and You take sovereignty away from whom You please [56]. You honor whom You please and You abase whom You please. The entire good is in Your Hand [57]. Surely, You are the Almighty over everybody [58].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 26
28. Let not the believers take disbelievers as their friends [62] instead of the believers. And whoever does that has no connection with Allah, unless you cautiously safeguard yourselves from them [63]. And Allah warns you to fear Him [64]. And to Allah belongs the final destination.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 28
29. Say (O Beloved Prophet): "Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it. He knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth [65]. Allah has power over everything."
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 29
30.[Beware of] the Day when every person will see all the good deeds they have done and all the evil [66] they have done. They will wish there was a long distance [67] between them and their bad deeds. Allah warns you about His punishment, and Allah is very kind to His servants.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 30
31. Please declare (O Beloved Prophet): "If you love Allah, you should follow me [68]. (Only then) Allah will love you and forgive you your faults. And Allah is Most Forgiving, the Merciful [69].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 31
32. Please declare (O Muhammad): Obey Allah and His Messenger [70]. But, if they turn away, then Allah does not like the infidels.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 32
33. Surely Allah has chosen Adam and Nuh and the family of Ebrahim and the family of Imraan above all (the people of) the worlds [71].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 33
34. Descendants, some of them from others [72]. And Allah is All-Hearing, Knowing.
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 34
36. So when she gave birth to her, she said: "O my Lord, I have given birth to a female" [75]. Allah knew best what she gave birth to. And the male (which she had demanded) is not like this female [76], and I have named her Mariam [77]. And I seek refuge with You for her and her children, from Shaitaan, the rejected one [78].
Surah Name : Al Imran Surah Number : 3 Ayat Number: 36