165. Then, when they forgot the warning they had received, We saved those who forbade evil and seized the wrongdoers with a dreadful punishment [378] as a consequence of their disobedience.
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 165
167. And when your Lord declared that until the Day of Resurrection, He would send against them those who would inflict upon them a terrible punishment [380]. Indeed, your Lord is swift in retribution [381] and surely He is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 167
168.And We scattered them throughout the earth into communities [383]. Among them are the righteous, and among them are others [384]. We tested them with good things and with evil so that perhaps they might return [385].
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 168
188. Say: "I do not possess any power to benefit or harm myself, except as Allah wills [433]. And if I had known the Unseen [435], I would have amassed abundant good [436], and no evil would have touched me [437]. I am only a warner and a giver of glad tidings to a people who believe [438]."
Surah Name : Al-Araf Surah Number : 7 Ayat Number: 188
14.Is he who stands upon a clear proof[33] from his Lord, like those whose evil deeds have been shown fair to them, and they followed their evil intentions [34]?
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 14
16.And among them are some who listen [42], so you tell them when they go forth from before you saying to the men of learning [43]: "What has he said (44) just now?" These are they upon whose hearts Allah has set a seal (45) and they follow their own evil inclinations (46).
Surah Name : Muhammad Surah Number : 47 Ayat Number: 16
25. So that they may bear their burdens [47] in full on the Day of Judgment, and also the burdens of those whom they misled [48] without knowledge. How evil is the burden they bear [49]!
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 25
28. Those whose lives are taken by the angels [55] while they were wronging [56] themselves, will then offer submission, saying, "We were not doing any evil" [57]. Yes, indeed. Allah is All-Knowing of what you used to do [58].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 28
29. Now enter the gates of Hell, to abide therein forever [59]. How evil a dwelling place for the arrogant [60].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 29
34. So the evil consequences of what they did fell upon them [72], and that which they used to mock surrounded them.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 34
45. Do those who devise evil plans [95] not fear that Allah may cause the earth to swallow them [96] or that punishment may come to them from where they do not perceive?
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 45
54. Then, when He removes the harm from you, a faction among you begins to associate partners with their Lord [110].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 54
94. And do not make your oaths as unfounded excuses [214] amongst yourselves, lest any foot may slip [215] after being firm, and you have to taste evil [216] because you used to move away from the path of Allah. And for you, there is a great torment [217].
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 94
119. Indeed, your Lord is for those who commit evil in ignorance [264], then repent afterwards and amend [265]; your Lord is certainly Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Surah Name : An-Nahl Surah Number : 16 Ayat Number: 119
5. There are those for whom there is evil torment [8] and they are alone the greatest losers in the hereafter [9].
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 5
11. Yes, except for the one who wrongs [21], then replaces good with evil [22], for indeed, I am Forgiving and Merciful.
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 11
39. One strong jinn said [75], 'I will bring you that throne before you rise from your sitting [76]: and indeed, I am powerful and trustworthy [77].
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 39
46. Saleh said, "O my people, why do you hasten to evil before good? Why do you not seek forgiveness from Allah, that you may receive mercy?"
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 46
58. And We rained upon them a rain, and what an evil rain it was for those who had been warned.
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 58
62. Or He who listens to the destitute [121] when he calls upon Him and removes the evil and makes you successors in the earth [122]. Is there any god along with Allah? Very little you reflect.
Surah Name : An-Naml Surah Number : 27 Ayat Number: 62