21. Upon them shall be garments of fine green silk and thick brocade [30]. And they shall be adorned [31] with bracelets of silver. And their Lord shall make them drink [32] a pure beverage.
Surah Name : Al-Insan Surah Number : 76 Ayat Number: 21
10. Certainly, we fear from our Lord a day of stern and distressful[16] reckoning
Surah Name : Al-Insan Surah Number : 76 Ayat Number: 10
5.Our Lord, do not make us a trial [22] for those who do not believe, and forgive us. Our Lord, surely, You are the Most Honourable, the Most Wise.
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 5
4.Indeed, there is a good model [13] for you in Ebrahim and those with him [14]. When they said to their people: "Indeed, we have nothing to do with you [15] and with that which you worship [16], except Allah. We reject all that you believe. Enmity and hatred have arisen between us and You forever [17], until you believe in [18] Allah alone." But what Ebrahim said to his father was: "I would certainly ask forgiveness [19] for you, so I have no authority [20] for any of your favours against Allah. O our Lord, we put our trust in You and to You do we turn and to You is our final return [21]."
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 4
1.O believers! Do not take My enemy and your enemy as friends [1], would you offer them love while they deny what truth has come to you [2]; driving out the Messenger and yourselves because you believe in Allah as your Lord [3]? If you go out struggling hard in My Path and seeking My Pleasure [4], take them not as friends. You send them a secret message of love [5], while I know well what you conceal and what you reveal [6]. And whoever of you does this, has indeed gone astray from the Straight Path [7].
Surah Name : Al-Mumtahanah Surah Number : 60 Ayat Number: 1
4. That is Allah's Grace. He grants it to whom He Pleases. And Allah is Lord of immense Bounty[10].
Surah Name : Al-Jumuah Surah Number : 62 Ayat Number: 4
10.And spend [30] from what We have provided you before death [31] comes to any of you, and he says, "My Lord, if You would delay me for a little while [32], I would give in charity and be among the righteous [33]."
Surah Name : Al-Munafiqun Surah Number : 63 Ayat Number: 10
5. It is possible that if he divorces [18] you, his Lord will give him in your place, wives better [19] than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, devoted [20] to prayer and fasting, whether widows or virgins [21].
Surah Name : At-Tahreem Surah Number : 66 Ayat Number: 5
50.Then his Lord chose him, and placed him among the righteous [62].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 50
49. Were it not so that the favour [60], from his Lord had overtaken him; he would certainly have been thrown upon the bare tract [61] of the land, while he was condemned (by his people).
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 49
48.So wait patiently for the Command [57] of your Lord, and be not like the companion of the fish [58], when he called to the Lord while he was in distress [59].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 48
34. Certainly, those who are pious [34] shall have with their Lord [35], Paradises of Bliss [36].
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 34
32."It may be that our Lord will give us, instead, one better than it. Indeed, we make our humble submission." [30]
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 32
29.They said: "Glory be to our Lord. Surely, we have been unjust [27]."
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 29
19. Then a calamity from your Lord encircled [20] it, while they were sleeping.
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 19
7.Indeed, your Lord best knows him who goes astray from His way, and He best knows the followers [7] of the right guidance.
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 7
2. By the Grace of your Lord, you are not at all insane [3],
Surah Name : Al-Qalam Surah Number : 68 Ayat Number: 2
13.He merges the night with day and He merges [46] the day into the night. And He engages [47] the services of the sun and the moon that each one runs up to an appointed (48) time. This is Allah, your Lord. His is the Kingdom (49) of the entire universe. And those who you worship besides Him, own not even the husk (50) of a date palm.
Surah Name : Fatir Surah Number : 35 Ayat Number: 13
50. Please declare: "If I err [145], I err only for myself to my own loss, and if I have been guided, it is on account of what my Lord has revealed [146] to me. Indeed, He is All-Hearing.
Surah Name : Saba Surah Number : 34 Ayat Number: 50
48.Please declare: "Surely my Lord utters [142] only the truth [143], the Great Knower of the unseen things".
Surah Name : Saba Surah Number : 34 Ayat Number: 48